Turning Eighty Years Of Age Is Not That Bad

Many people are doing it

Floyd Mori


(Image is author’s)

If you haven’t reached the big 8–0, hopefully, you will someday

There was a saying a while back that sixty was the new forty and seventy was the new fifty. Now people are living longer so eighty might become the new fifty for the lucky ones. There are still people working and living productive lives well into their eighties and even nineties. Even some 100-plus-year-olds are good examples of still going strong in their advanced years.

Some people who have surpassed the 100 mark are still running, dancing, and enjoying life. Eighty is still quite young to them. It doesn’t have to mean being really old or giving up.

Although the age of the seventies had been when people could expect to die and many still do at that age, there are many more people living longer now. They are still enjoying life as they have become elderly. There are changes such as more aches and pains and possibly being more forgetful, but life can still be good.



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits. www.thejapaneseamericanstory.com.