Unlock the 5-Step Content Flow Fusion Technique: Craft 6 Months of Captivating Content in 30 Minutes!

A simple, yet effective method for creating high-quality content on a consistent basis

Jenn C ✅️
4 min readAug 15, 2023


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Are you ready to take your content creation game to the next level? I’ve got an ingenious hack that is ridiculous! We’re talking about whipping out 6 months worth of content for blogs, articles, reels, shorts — basically, anything that feeds an audience’s attention in 30 minutes flat!

It is SO tempting to keep this secret all to myself,… but sharing is caring, right? So, let’s dive right in and uncover the 5 Steps to this Flow Fusion technique that leverages the power of AI tools:

AI tools are just like knives. They are not inherently evil. There are countless debates about this and this is not one of them. Instead I’m going to give you a list of AI tools that you can use to help you along your content creation journey. Here is a short list of some of the tools I have used with the exception of Claude and ZenoChat.

You will also need to use a Google Search Bar. For all you DuckDuckGo fans bear with me and try this out. You need access to a feature that Google’s Search has that is not available on the Duck Search Engine.

How to come up with 6 months worth of content under 30 minutes in 5 steps

Equipment Needed:
1.) Select an AI tool
2.) Open a Google Search page

Step 1: Identify Your Niche’s Pulse
To begin, identify the 12 most talked-about topics in your niche.

  • For example, if your niche is self-improvement, you could use the AI tool to generate a list of topics like “habit formation,” “goal setting,” and “time management.”
  • Keep the list to 12 topics or less, so that it is manageable.
  • If you are stump, type in “What are the top 12 topics in the Self-improvement niche?” into your AI tool of choice to get a helping hand.

Step 2: Generate Questions for Each Topic
Next, for each of the 12 topics, generate a question that people in your niche are likely to be searching for.

  • For example, for the topic of “habit formation,” you could generate a question like “How can I make habit formation more enjoyable?
  • You can use an AI tool to help you generate questions, or you can brainstorm them on your own.

Step 3: Unlock Google’s Goldmine
Take one of the popular questions you’ve generated and search it on Google to expand your question pool.

  • Look under the subtitle “People also ask” and expand the questions by pressing the “🇻” symbol.
  • If inspiration isn’t striking, let AI lend a hand by asking it
    ⟼ “What are some popular questions in the (…insert one of your 12 topics…) topic?
  • Google will add more questions each time you expand the question boxes. Watch as the questions flow, and select the ones that resonate with you.
  • Continue expanding until you have a total of 30 questions related to your initial question.

Step 4: Create Content for Each Question
Now, it’s time to answer each of the 30 questions you’ve gathered. You can choose to create:

  • articles
  • YouTube shorts
  • IG reels
  • Tiktok clips
  • Thread / X posts
  • vlogs or
  • LinkedIn posts for each question.

Step 5: Repeat the Process
Congratulations! You now have one month’s worth of content.

  • Answer each of the 30 questions in a blog post, YouTube video, Instagram reel, or vlog.
  • Make sure to provide comprehensive and informative answers that will help your audience.
  • You can also use the questions to spark ideas for other content, such as infographics, podcasts, or webinars.

To continue building your content library, go back to Step 2 and repeat the process until you have generated questions and created content for a total of six months. This method allows you to consistently provide valuable content to your audience and establish a strong online presence.

Depending on which niche you’re in, it would be wise to create content no more than 6 months out as you want to keep your topics fresh.

This hack can be a great way to save time and money on content creation. It can also help you to create more engaging and informative content, as you’ll be able to focus on answering the questions that your audience are actually looking for.

I can hear some of you now — what about Answer the Public? I found Answer the Public to be difficult to use well. As I am not an SEO expert, it was a bit of a struggle to find the results I was looking for. This Google Search hack is WAAY more compatable with my low tech skills and it’s FREE to boot *ahahah*

So, if you are looking for a way to improve your content creation, I highly recommend you give this hack a try. It’s a simple process, but it can be incredibly effective. So what are you waiting for? Start using this hack today and see how much time and money you can save on content creation. Drop me a note if you found this technique useful. I’d love to hear from you!

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