Update On Medium Partner Program’s Launch In India (2024) : The Same Response After 2 Months

An Open Letter To Medium: I Can’t Wait Anymore For The MPP Launch

The Fitpreneur Network
3 min readJan 27, 2024


Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

After anxiously waiting for any word on Medium’s Partner Program hitting India, Brazil, and Thailand for a solid two months, I couldn’t take it anymore. Frustration kicked in, and I decided to head over to their help center and wrote them an email, seeking an update regarding the status of MPP launch.

Let’s see if they spill the beans!

You can see the screenshot of my email below —

Snapshot By Me

And the moment of truth arrived… drumroll, please!

So, I finally got a response, and guess what? It’s a déjà vu moment because the reply is a carbon copy of what they said two months ago. Talk about suspense and disappointment!

Here is what they had to say —

Snapshot By Me

What adds salt to the wound is that even after a painstaking two-month wait, Medium managed to come up with the exact same response that the —

Team is working on legal, financial, and tax compliance to support India, Brazil, Thailand alongside 60 additional countries in upcoming months.

Flashback to October 2023 when I first reached out to them — and yup, you guessed it, the reply was déjà vu all over again —

What’s a writer like me supposed to do in this seemingly endless waiting game?

The frustration is real, and for the past 5 months, we’ve been left hanging in suspense.

All we can do is sit on the edge of our seats, fingers crossed, and hope for an updates from

or on the MPP launch. Please (share, clap, respond and do whatever you can do to make sure this story reaches Medium staff)

Come on, Medium,

How challenging is it to give us writers an update ?

Even if Medium can’t provide a set date, a blog post updating us on the progress or a reply to the numerous comments seeking information would mean a lot.


Whenever Medium opens that monetization gate you better believe I’m rolling out with all guns blazing!

Ready to rock and roll with my content game.

I remain hopeful for a breakthrough. Let’s stay tuned and hope that Medium will soon break the silence, providing us with the much-awaited news.

They’ve promised an early 2024 launch, so fingers crossed for now. Exciting times ahead!

Until then, fellow writers, let’s continue our craft, and turn our frustration into creativity, keeping the words flowing.

“The journey may be tough, but our passion for writing will always prevail. Here’s to hoping for brighter updates on the horizon!”



The Fitpreneur Network

Writing about Entrepreneurship, Solopreneurship and Freelancing while empowering individuals to reach their aspirations.