Using LinkedIn As A Student: The Ups And Downs

Ananya Avadhuta
2 min readMay 1, 2024

What are the benefits of using LinkedIn as a student?

Photo by Gabriel Varaljay on Unsplash

At first, when you open an account on LinkedIn, it may seem utterly BORING. That was just about my reaction. I didn’t understand the point of making an account; I'd only gotten it for a test trial to see what it was about. Most students don’t create accounts on LinkedIn, it’s just something that they don’t need at the moment.

However, as days turned into weeks, I’d gotten used to using LinkedIn to collaborate and meet others like me in my area. It’s like social media for work. I — shocker! — kind of enjoyed using it.

So why should you get LinkedIn?

  • Gain valuable experience.
  • Meet new people.
  • Showcase your talents to people in your local area and across the globe (which could land you some sweet opportunities!)
  • Build professional connections (I cannot stress enough how important connections are)

Using LinkedIn is pretty nice when you consider all the benefits you get from it. Opportunities that you may not even think of could come right at your doorstep. All you have to be is optimistic.

If you’re in the younger group of the generation (like me), LinkedIn could be the very thing that skyrockets your career. It’s important to show how you’re unique, especially in college applications and social standpoints. It makes you stand out, and with LinkedIn, that’s all possible, with more.

While I may be rambling on about how LinkedIn is amazing, of course, there are downfalls. If you see LinkedIn from a student standpoint, there are only pros, but there are cons that people should take note of.

LinkedIn is generally made more for adults or people searching for jobs, which leads to limited privacy for students. If you share too much, it might cause a problem. I would honestly suggest keeping followers and connections separate, to avoid these problems.

Overall, LinkedIn is a good platform for expanding your connections and stepping out of your comfort zone, especially for students looking to stick out from the crowd.



Ananya Avadhuta

a student sharing my experiences on education + other topics!