Value packed revelations from my journal part 2

Listed excerpts written by me

Lashon Byrd
2 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo of my journal (owned by me)

#1 Attaching happiness and fulfillment to external validation brings unhappiness, stress, and anxiety. And the pursuit of external validation is never-ending. Why like a dog, endlessly chase your tail?

#2 Human existence and everything we do is temporary, ephemeral. Eventually at some point, the memory of you and anything you may have achieved during your lifetime will fade away and become cautionary tales and forgotten. Plus, real-life villains and their negative impact, actions, are remembered longer anyways. Therefore, live in the present moment, it’s all you have.

#3 Whether you’re remembered and celebrated immediately after your death doesn’t matter, you will no longer exist. But find solace that you contributed to human history during your time. Even the smallest contributions shape the collective human experience.

#4 Life is not for significance, it is for experience. The fact you get the consciousness experience as a sentient being makes your life inherently significant and chock full of value.

#5 The point of making an impact on humankind is not for personal remembrance, praise, or celebration. But to align with a higher purpose, meaningfully contribute to the well-being of others, and find fulfillment in the virtuous pursuit of making a positive difference in the world. Not personal validation and aggrandizement. Though they may come, treat them like what they are, byproducts, that don’t hold much importance.

#6 Live virtuously, and contribute to the advancement of humankind virtuously, and your legacy shall handle itself.

#7 Embrace the freedom and higher quality of life that comes with the knowledge that fame is a means to an end- a platform to challenge the status quo, provoke critical thought, and expose the hypocrisy and superficiality of celebrity culture. Any externals don’t define you or your self-worth like such, they neither increase nor decrease it. Like a rock that has gained nothing going up or coming down. Your public image is not a springboard for personal validation, or a superficial and disingenuous sense of superiority over others. As we’re all one, only egotism separates us.

# 8 You can’t start the next chapter of your life, if you’re stuck re-reading the last one

#9 It is only those brave and courageous enough to challenge conventional norms who bring about progress and transformation in society.

#10 Our superficial differences and distinctions- money, power, fame, in this world are temporary and insignificant. Especially in the face of our shared mortality, which reveals our fundamental equality. Live fully, and authentically.

#11 Pain will leave you, once it’s done teaching you.

Thanks for reading

