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What could I say or do to make things right?

Mark Scofield


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Idiots always know what’s right and I’m sick of it.

What is it you want me to say to set things right? That I’m sorry for grieving for my grandmother who raised me? That I’m sorry for not obeying a mass murder? Well, I’m not.

America has once again upheld the decision it made long ago: it will not be fair with me. The crimes, the sins that this country has perpetrated against me are beyond outrageous. You don’t fucking want to know, but that’s too bad.

You forgot to kill me when you killed me. So, now I’m going to speak to you from the grave. I’ve returned from being discarded and forgotten. The extent of this injustice demands I try to set things right, but will America listen?

The desire for simplicity leads to us believing lies.

American idiots need to simplify everything. American non-idiots know that life is complicated with detailed nuances. The simple-minded usually win out. Their messages are clear, succinct, easy to understand, and uncomplicated. They don’t need to know the details. They don’t want to know the messy truth. They can cast their pure godly judgment on me (and you) our entire…



Mark Scofield

Coming out of the shadows. No more pseudonym. Humans are designed to fail. I'm Exhibit A. Often writing semi-fictional history and autobiographical stories.