Ways to Stop Your Pride From Creating A Desert Around You

The secret for growing a forest in your relationships is already within you.

Michel Kana, Ph.D


Photo by Plaid Zebra

How often does each of us contribute to a little disaster just for the sake of our pride? How many times did you walk stubbornly on a fruitless path just to demonstrate to people that you are right?

This story shows how an exaggerated appreciation of oneself by devaluating others can turn a forest into a desert, and how transforming pride into a green wall of trees is already changing millions of lives.

Where do you find forests without trees? Yes, on a map, you would say. But can you imagine a life without forests?

Maimuna, a six years old little girl knows much about such a life. She lives in a desert.

Today, she is very excited. She had geography class at school, and the teacher talked about rainforests.

Back home, she asks her grandfather: “Grandpa, why don’t we have any forest here?” Her grandfather always has a story to tell. He replies.

Once upon a time, this land was covered by an uncountable number of big trees building a dense forest.

The land was ruled by a king. One day he decided that time has come to give his daughter in marriage.



Michel Kana, Ph.D

Husband & Dad. Mental health advocate. Top Medium Writer. 20 years in IT. AI Expert @Harvard. Empowering human-centered organizations with high-tech.