What God Has Advised for Us People

What does God want to convey the message for us people in today’s world?

Prabhank Sarwaikar
2 min readFeb 4, 2023


Photo by Michael Kroul on Unsplash

(I recommend people to watch the videos of Swami Mukunananda, Srila Prabhupada, and ISKCON, on youtube in English for the videos about God and his divine love and compassion. It will definitely help you on your spiritual path, especially bhakti, the path of devotion towards God)

Lord Krishna, who incarnated as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, nearly 500 years ago, on Earth, gave us a simple message for the inner welfare of a human being. In the Bhagwat Gita, it is written that time by time, God takes an avatar and descends on the Earth for various reasons of which three major reasons are-

  1. To re-establish dharma (Path of righteousness/truthfulness) on Earth whenever there is an increment in sins and wrongful activities

2. To protect his devotees

3. To finish the demons doing sinful and wrong activities. But his most important thing is to bless the souls living in this material universe, so that they may come to him.

Lord Narsingh, Lord Ram, and Lord Krishna are examples of one God descending in different forms on Earth. Lord Ram descended on this Earth nearly 869,000 years ago in the treta-yuga. Lord Krishna descended on this Earth nearly 5000 years ago in dwapar-yuga. And 500 years ago, in this age of kali-yuga, where sins and wrongful activities are done everywhere, God descended as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, 500 years ago and gave the message for the benefit of the creatures. And God’s knowledge is eternal, it can never be changed because it is already perfect and complete.

His main message for today’s people, who wish to develop themselves and reach God, was that the soul should have two goals-

  1. To engage in divine love, name, and service for God.

2. To help others in distributing the same divine love, name, and service for God, and to have mercy on other creatures as well for their benefit too.

Naam Ruchi, Jeevo Daya. Use books, videos, blog posts, or anything you want to spread the videos about God.

