What I Will Be Adding To My “Not-To-Do” List

Blake Kohan
3 min readOct 1, 2022
to do list
Photo Credit: by the Author from Canva account

Not-To-Do List: Equally As Important As Your To-Do List.

What is a Not-To-Do list?


These are the daily things that keep you from your actual to-do’s, waste your time, or are simple things that aren’t helping you.

Where your to-do list can keep you organized and on track, the not-do-to list keeps you on track by reminding you of unhelpful habits or things.

Not-to-do #1: Checking Social Media

Considering I don’t have social media, this is an easy one for me. Having social media to help promote your writing, get inspired creatively, or build a business are all good uses of those platforms.

I don’t think I will ever use them to scroll mindlessly.

To-Do Instead: Read a non-fiction book that will help me be more productive or better in my life.

Not-to-do #2: Cross-Fit

I am not a cross-fit kind of girl. Thinking of it tires me out. But going for a nice walk? I can do that.

To-Do: Instead: Go for a nice walk.

Not-to-do # 3: Pay No Attention To Finance

Not reviewing my spending or planning for the future will not build the life of my dreams.

To-Do Instead:

Money is a lot of fun to learn about.

There are countless things that you can and probably should at least learn about if you want to have a successful financial future.

Such as: what is investing, where should I invest, how much, and when?


How many credit cards should I have? What is credit card optimization? How do I receive a high credit score?

Instead of leaving money as an afterthought, I want to be knowledgeable about how to make the most of the money I do have.

As well as how to create more.

Not-to-do # 4: Keeping My 9–5 As My Only Revenue

Having one source of income is not the only reason I want more than my nine-five. I have too much energy to sit and only be happy with a 9–5.

To-Do Instead:

I have tried blogging before, and it didn't work.

Is that stopping me from trying again?

Clearly, no.

I will keep learning, keep getting better, and keep trying new things until I find a way to make passive income doing something I enjoy.

Such as:

  • Start YouTube
  • Medium
  • Blogging
  • Consulting

The list goes on.

Not-to-do # 5: Take Dairy Out Of My Diet

It seems like there are so many pieces of diet advice out there. One of which being how bad dairy is for you. I know some people are allergic, but I’m not.

I don’t know how dairy is for you. I know some people say it’s great, some say it’s awful, but I’m going to listen to myself.

I love hot chocolates. I love having a little dish of ice cream. I’m keeping those around.

To-Do Instead: Keep drinking hot chocolates and enjoying ice cream.

Bringing It All Together:

I recently read about “Not-To-Do” lists in a book and thought it was a good idea. I will keep drinking hot chocolates, reading about finance, and writing. Those things bring a lovely feeling, so they all belong on a “To-Do.”

What is one thing on your “to-do” list today?

This post was all about what is on my Not-To-Do List!

I hope you have a wonderful day!


C.R. Blake



Blake Kohan

Social Media Manager, Digital Media Boutique Owner, & Freelancer. I love self-improvement and reading <3