What is the correct time for meditation, and how long should I meditate?

The Nerd
2 min readApr 22, 2024


Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

I decided to answer the question I had been asking myself for a long time in this article. I read some materials on the internet, and although no study guarantees an exact time to enjoy the benefits of meditation, one point is consensual among several experts, masters, and practitioners.

Regardless of the duration of meditation, practicing it daily is the greatest and most important key to getting and feeling all the results. In other words, meditating for a minimum amount of time (5 minutes) daily can be more effective than meditating for 1 hour but only three times a week.

Meditating is easy. Meditation is about relaxing and letting go. The most effective method is to adopt a comfortable posture, usually in the lotus position, close your eyes, and let go of your thoughts.

Let them go. If they talk to you again and if you find yourself talking to them, don’t get angry. Practice takes time. Let them go again. It is very likely that the first few times, you will finish the meditation without having managed to silence them, but don’t get frustrated.

Tomorrow, you practice again, and for an hour, you will clear your mind for as long as you decide to remain meditating.


  • Take time to meditate in a calm place.
  • Control your breathing and focus your attention on the empty mind.
  • If you are going to meditate without music, set an alarm. This will prevent you from worrying about going over the allotted time.
  • If you are going to meditate with music, choose music for the length of time you want to meditate.

5M: THE MINIMUM YOU NEED TO MEDITATE - 5 minutes is the minimum time your body needs to feel the benefits of meditation with music. Studies show that daily meditation, lasting at least 5 minutes, works better than meditating for a longer period but infrequently.

10M: ENOUGH TIME TO MEDITATE - Reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep, increases focus, stimulates creativity and alleviates symptoms of depression

30M: THE IDEAL TIME FOR MEDITATION - 30 minutes of meditation brings benefits of neuroplasticity, increased gray matter and neural connections, and recovery of focus and concentration.

I believe anyone in this world has 5 minutes a day for meditation. So what are you waiting for? Start to heal yourself, pacify your spirit, and connect with the Universe!



The Nerd

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