What was the first successful mission of Delta Force and how did it almost fail?

Their survival hinged on a pivotal mission that demonstrated their status among the US military’s elite 🔐🎖️🛑

Alex Auclair
2 min readJan 30, 2024


Operation Acid Gambit (A Daring Raid).

In 1989, American Kurt Muse was imprisoned in Panama for leading an anti-government radio station. Dictator Manuel Noriega planned to execute Muse if the U.S. invaded. Delta Force — trained to extract Muse from the brutal Carcel Modelo prison. MH-6 helicopters brought Delta operators to the roof while AC-130 gunships distracted the enemy. A crash landing and RPG — attack complicated the mission, but Delta rescued Muse after a barricade shootout and rode to the U.S. Embassy.

Delta Force was created in 1977 to specialize in counter-terrorism. Despite early mission failures in Iran and Grenada, Delta saw Panama as a chance to prove itself. The complex Muse rescue operation was nearly flawless. Delta took the prison roof and shot its way out without losing a man, while — evacuating the high-value hostage.

The Panama invasion marked Delta Force’s coming-of-age. The unit descendants of WWII’s “Black Devils” earned worldwide renown for the brazen embassy extraction under fire….. Delta continues elite Special Ops work today, feared by America’s enemies as much as their Black Devil forebears were in WWII…..



Alex Auclair

One of the many brains behind the Infographics Show. As a writer, I craft compelling blogs and make it easy to understand for a wide range of audiences.