What’s wrong with simply reading Book Summaries

3 min readJun 20, 2022
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In Today’s time, summaries of almost all the books are available at your fingertips. And you can read much more books if you just read the summaries. Then why should you read entire books?

1. Books give time to think deeply

Obviously, the overall ideas of the books are available in the summaries, but reading something which is lengthier pushes and gives you time to think deeper into the topic. It is more about the time you focus on the idea than just going through it. It provides the author with a chance to put his point and present the depths of ideas with appropriate illustrations that a summary can never do. A book presents you with the idea from the author’s perspective. Reading is like walking for a while in someone else’s shoes. Summaries give you only the basic idea of the book, but from experience, I can tell that I have never got that “CLICK” or enlightening moment in summaries; it always happens when you know all the context and perspective with which the book wants to present you the idea.

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2. Long+Deep vs Short+Broad

It’s not about the number of books you read. It’s about how much you understood. It is always about reading the best ones over and over again. Enforcing those ideas deep into your lives. Getting to the core of the idea and having the clarity, the sordidness. So, reading more and more books, in my opinion, is not that useful; it is getting the ideas profoundly that’s useful. There are a huge number of books out there. And there are a lot of great ones in them. You will never be able to read even a noticeable amount of the great ones. Hence, focus on some which are the best ones for you🫵🏼.

More Importantly, Why to Read???

As I had said in my last post, someone far more sorted than you has spent a tremendous amount of time getting those learnings to you. All it takes is the time equivalent to an average web series to live one more life.

Reading will help you sort your life. Look through this post to know what I mean by “sort” here: https://medium.com/@vrajpatelp777/want-to-be-happy-in-2022-16f900685fa8.

In my opinion, you think deeper subconsciously while reading the entire book because reading is a tedious task (Only initially, once you form a habit, you cannot live without it🙃). You want to get the best out of it as you invest your precious time into it. Your mind puts effort into getting what the author is trying to convey.

Start by reading anything you like. Form a habit of reading regularly. Eventually, you will yourself know what to read and will find the “best” ones for you. But the most important thing is to READ.

“The man who does not read good books is no better than the man who can’t.” ~Mark Twain

SO Read😡(😅)


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A DUMB, a hard-core book reader, a deep thinker, an introvert, who is trying to get out of the “Dumb” state.