When It Comes to Kids…

God has a funny sense of humor

Ruby Lee


Photo by Steven Libralon on Unsplash

I spent the afternoon helping my adult son with a job application. It was for a job with the Federal Government, so the app was more complicated than most. It was a looong afternoon fraught with raised voices and mini temper tantrums. Most of them were from me.

My son had a difficult time in school. He didn’t like it and wasn’t interested in making good grades or even learning. Eventually, not being interested in behaving went on that list. We finally took him out of public high school and placed him in an online high school. It was one of those self-paced programs where you had up to seven years to finish. Well, our son had every intention of taking every minute of those seven years.

I finally bought him a car and only allowed him to drive it when he had proven that he had done some school work that day. It worked, and he finished high school at 20. A few months ago, I found the hard-won diploma lying around the house and insisted that my husband put it in the safe. I told my husband that it was one of the most expensive and valuable items in the house.

Now, four years later, my son needed his diploma scanned and uploaded to the job app. He kept referring to it as his GED. I pointed out that it was NOT a GED, but an actual diploma, and we should all be proud that he had it…



Ruby Lee

Mother, Wife, Teacher, Librarian, Teller of Stories. Author of The Marriage Wars by Leeanne Beasley Berry. Top Writer in Parenting, This Happened to Me, Humor