When You Start Having An Impact On People, Beautiful Things Happen

Interaction is the fuel to carry on with what you do best

Alicia Domínguez


back of a woman holding a sparkling fire work
Image from Canva

You sit at your computer another day.

Maybe you will post your story on one of your platforms, or maybe you decide you are just going to keep it as part of your diary.

If you decide to share your story, your thoughts, and your experiences with the world, you may reach someone who is actually at a crossroads, waiting for life not to make things worse, or waiting for something to bring light to that dark space where they find themselves at the moment.

The kind of magic I am talking about is bidirectional, even though you might not see it that way at the beginning.

Once you have touched someone, you are quite likely to get touched by this person with a comment, suggestion or even a story. And that’s the kind of feedback that will make you feel it was all worth it.

I personally see these messages as indicators or synchronicities that keep guiding my way.

Impact people talking about your body horrors

We all have bodies that go through trauma, let us down, change and mutate. We don’t generally feel like showing our ugly sides, that’s why…



Alicia Domínguez

English Philologist with a Master in Jungian Psychology/Independent Researcher and Scholar/ Self-development Mentor through Gothic productions/ gothicalice.com