Why 90% of Marketers choose Facebook for Social Media Advertising.

See why Facebook has more marketing usage than other social media.

2 min readDec 3, 2023


Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Although the social media scene is continually changing and advancing, with new players battling for consideration from crowds and advertisers, no stage stands near Facebook regarding web-based entertainment promotion.

The web-based entertainment monster, which has a functioning client base of nearly 2.9 billion, stays at the main stage among advertisers on both the B2B and B2C sides.

As per information introduced by OnlyAccounts.io, practically 90% of advertisers picked Facebook for online entertainment publicizing in 2023, 10% more than Instagram and multiple times more than TikTok.

53% of Advertisers Intend to Expand their Use of Facebook Later on

Despite the fact that Facebook is quite possibly one of the most seasoned players in the web-based entertainment scene, it is, as yet, the main decision for most advertisers. Per the Virtual Entertainment Analyst review, Facebook was the most generally utilized online entertainment stage among advertisers overall in 2023, with 89% of them utilizing the organization to advance their business.

Instagram is positioned as the second most involved stage for publicizing online entertainment, with an 80% divide between respondents. Practically 65% of advertisers have decided to advance on LinkedIn, making it the third most utilized stage. YouTube and Twitter followed with 54% and 44% offers, separately. Measurements show that just 26% of respondents named TikTok as their top stage for online entertainment promotions, or multiple times not exactly the main Facebook.

The review additionally uncovered fascinating information about how advertisers intend to involve online entertainment stages before very long. Around 53% of them expressed they would build their Facebook use soon, while 5% wanted to cut their spending plans for Facebook promotions. Insights likewise show that 66% of advertisers will expand their use of Instagram and YouTube, contrasted with 43% of the people who intend to support TikTok promotion. In any case, simultaneously, 45% of them did not want to utilize the video-sharing application for advertisements by any means.

Meta Holds 55% of the Worldwide Virtual Entertainment Publicizing Business sector

With brands pouring huge numbers of dollars into Facebook and Instagram advertisements yearly, Meta remains the greatest brand in the worldwide online entertainment publicizing scene.

As per a Statista overview, Meta had a monstrous 55% portion of the overall industry last year, almost multiple times more than LinkedIn, the second-biggest virtual entertainment publicizing brand. Snapchat, Reddit, Pinterest, Twitter, and ByteDance all had around 5% offers in worldwide web-based entertainment publicizing income.

Last year, brands spent an incredible $189.5bn via virtual entertainment promotions. Statista anticipates that this figure should increment to $207bn in 2023 and afterward leap to $247bn by 2027.




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