Why Are (Good) Writers Leaving Medium: Uncensored.

5 reasons why writers are quitting

Veronica Llorca-Smith
6 min readDec 7, 2023


Picture of a GOODBYE FRIENDS sign on a table
Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

Now and then, I have a Medium déjà-vu: I tag a fellow writer in one of my articles to recognize their work, and bang, that writer is gone, vanished, like the rabbit that disappears inside the magician hat.

Sadly, unlike the rabbit, the writer is gone; no page, no link, no trace — a mystery.

This has been happening more and more frequently in the past few months. The magician is on fire.

First, Charlie wrote a goodbye article; then Ralph said he would spend less time here to prioritize other platforms. I was pretty shocked when my Medium frenemy Gareth disappeared in the magic hat, leaving a little note behind. Gareth is not only an excellent writer but he was also a Top Writer in Photography with a few thousand followers and an awesome collaborator with a witty sense of humor. Last week, I randomly discovered that Christine was also gone with her lovely publication, The Wombat Diaries.

This is to name a few well-established writers who have migrated to other platforms in the past few months to build a new digital home elsewhere. One even shut down a well-known publication, one of my favorite ones for languages.

