Why Are White People Still Fist Bumping?

We should learn from the warmth of Black people

Jeffrey Kass


two stylish young friends hugging long-awaited meeting in street parking.
Photo by Yurakrasil on Shutterstock

Most of us have been exposed over many years to the idea that Black people are either angry, scary, intimidating or violent.

I’ve written in-depth about it before.

Whether we like to admit or not, it’s been pounded into our unconscious psyche that Black men aren’t the most savory of characters. Criminals even.

We’ve similarly been conditioned to think that many Black women are angry and disjointed.

These ideas came to us without our permission in many forms: in how the news portrays people, in film and books, and now on social media.

Even in 2024, a newspaper in Denver, Colorado, used this image on Instagram to talk about crime:

Image: Instagram Screenshot

Positive images about whites were likewise injected into our minds, standing in stark…



Jeffrey Kass

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad