Why Assessing Your Past Could Help You Advance

Accepting the Value of Reflection for Success and Personal Development

3 min readApr 16, 2024


Photo by J W on Unsplash

In the rush of life, we frequently aim to advance, improve, and go forward. However, what if I told you that occasionally looking backward is the wisest course of action? You heard correctly! Let’s investigate the idea of “Measuring Backward, Not Forward” and how it might revolutionise our way of living.

Consider yourself travelling. You aim to accomplish a certain goal and have a destination in mind. Normally, you would focus on your intended destination and keep your eyes fixed front. However, what if you occasionally stopped to look over your shoulder? What if you took a moment to reflect on your beginnings and your progress? It’s a backward measure.

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When we measure in the past, we consider our successes, setbacks, and experiences. We consider our past rather than concentrating only on the path ahead. This explains why it’s so potent:

1. Honouring Progress:
Occasionally, we become so focused on achieving our objectives that we neglect to acknowledge and appreciate the small victories we have along the road. Even in the face of seemingly tiny steps, looking back lets us realise how far we’ve come.

2. Taking Lessons from Mistakes: Making errors is a natural aspect of being human. However, we will undoubtedly make the same mistakes again if we don’t stop to think about them. We can determine what went wrong in the past and use that information to make better judgements going forward by taking a look back.

3. Getting Perspective: It’s simple to lose sight of the greater picture while we’re in the middle of things. Looking backwards provides context. It serves as a reminder of our beginnings and our progress since then. This has the potential to be quite inspiring, particularly in trying times.

4. Setting Realistic Goals: We can make more sensible goals for the future by reflecting on our past accomplishments. We may build on our past achievements and position ourselves for success rather than reaching for the impossibly difficult.

Photo by Benjamin Wedemeyer on Unsplash

How then can you begin to measure your own life backward?

1.Maintain a Journal: Set aside some time every day or every week to record your accomplishments, no matter how little. It could be finishing a task at work, maintaining a regular exercise schedule, or just setting aside time for oneself.

2.Regularly Reflect:
Allocate a period of time to consider your past experiences. What was successful? What didn’t work? What knowledge can you gain from those encounters? If necessary, use this time for introspection to change your direction.

3.Celebrate Your Milestones: Don’t hold off on celebrating until you’ve accomplished your main objective. Celebrate your little triumphs along the way instead. It could be as simple as giving yourself a pat on the back or treating yourself to a wonderful meal.

Photo by Oskars Sylwan on Unsplash

Recall that development does not necessarily entail travelling at top speed. Sometimes the best course of action is to stand back, consider how far you’ve come, and then use that perspective to move forward. Thus, attempt measuring backward the next time you’re feeling stuck or unclear of what to do. You might perhaps come upon the motivation you require to keep going.

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