Why does Society not Accept Low Emotional Health?

Hitesh abrol
2 min readDec 10, 2023


“Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.” — Bill Clinton.

Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

Understanding that opinions on mental health in society can differ significantly and that not everyone has the same perspectives is critical. The stigma surrounding men’s mental health, however, may be exacerbated by a few societal norms and general trends.

  • Traditional Gender Stereotypes: Gender roles and societal expectations can play a big role. Traditional stereotypes often portray men as strong, emotionless, and stoic. Men may experience pressure to live up to these standards, which makes it challenging for them to show vulnerability or ask for mental health support without worrying about being judged.
  • Stigma Associated with Mental Health: In many societies, stigma related to mental health concerns is still widespread. This stigma can be especially severe for men who might worry about being viewed as helpless or weak.
  • Lack of Awareness and Education: Misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding mental health may arise from people who are not well-informed about the subject. Men and other people who struggle with mental health issues may face discrimination and unfavorable attitudes as a result of this ignorance.
  • Fear of Discrimination and Judgment: Men may worry about how friends, family, coworkers, and society at large will view their mental health difficulties. Men are often discouraged from discussing their mental health issues because they fear being judged and possibly discriminated against.
  • Restricted Emotional Vocabulary: Men’s emotional expression is often discouraged by societal norms, which can make it difficult to talk to others about mental health issues. It can be difficult for men to express their emotions or ask for help when needed.
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Males may experience pressure to live up to social norms, including taking on the primary breadwinner role, putting on a tough exterior, and always seeming in charge. Men may find it challenging to recognize and take care of their mental health needs as a result of these expectations, which can also add to their stress levels.

A more accepting and helpful society for people of all genders can result from initiatives to dispel these myths, raise awareness, and support mental health education. Open communication, normalizing, asking for assistance, and cultivating empathy are all important steps in removing the stigma associated with men’s mental health.

To read more, click over www.authorhiteshabrol.in



Hitesh abrol

Motivational Blogs, Learning attitude, Entrepreneurship, follow to upgrade in Life. To read more click www.authorhiteshabrol.in