Why You Need To Start Doing Epic Sh*t

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4 min readJul 2, 2024
Photo by Benjamin Zanatta on Unsplash

Most people lead boring lives.

They wake up, head to a boring job, drive back home in a boring car, and return to their boring apartment to watch TV until they fall asleep.

They say things like “I want to do this” and “I want to do that,” but they never take action.

Instead, they merely exist, working just enough to survive and repeat the same boring routine day after day.

Years pass in a blur of monotony because they fear stepping out of their comfort zone and trying something new.

This fear keeps them trapped in a self-made prison where they never explore, experiment, or challenge themselves.

They never push their boundaries and, most importantly, they never do anything epic.

Here are 11 ideas to help you break free and start doing epic things in your life:

1.) Impress yourself.

The years you work hardest with nothing to show will be the years that build you.

They might not get you recognition, but they’re the most critical.

Think of skyscrapers: for months, it seems like no progress is made because all the work is happening below ground.

These are the years when you should focus on impressing yourself. Success takes patience; your time will come.

2.) Risk and failure are states of mind.

Many of us fear losing what little we have.

This fear keeps us from taking risks and holds us back from achieving more.

We hoard our small pile of things, making them seem invaluable.

But remember: you got what you have by taking risks.

If you don’t continue to take risks, you’ll be stuck doing the same boring stuff for the rest of your life.

Stop protecting what little you have and aim for more.

3.) Life is not about being productive every second.

Productivity is great, but striving for it every second is paralyzing and limiting.

We live in a world where our productivity level defines us, making us feel unworthy if we’re not constantly busy.

But the smartest people take time to reevaluate, reassess, and outsource work.

Life is not about cramming it all in; it’s about using leverage effectively.

4.) In a status-driven rat race, you can never win.

Most people base their lives on status: the car they drive, the house they have, and the clothes they wear.

But status isn’t what we truly seek; it’s freedom.

Opt out of the status game, sell the luxury items, and focus on what truly makes you happy.

Wealth isn’t bad, but focusing solely on status leads to misery.

5.) The world is designed to make our lives comfortable.

Comfort is the enemy of success.

As Malcolm X said, “That which you do not hate, you will eventually tolerate.”

We get out of life what we accept — comfort dulls us to the average.

The pain of not being where we want to be keeps us alive and striving.

Fight the avoidance of pain; comfort hinders growth.

6.) It is not about the years gone by; it is about the years still left.

Dwelling on the past is pointless because it’s out of your control.

We have around 50,000 thoughts per day, and only 2% are new.

Focus on the future, which is still undefined.

Use your remaining years wisely and turn past regrets into a sense of urgency for the future.

7.) A year from now, you will wish you had started today. So start today.

How many times have you looked back and thought, “I wish I did that sooner”?

The moment to start is now.

The small decisions you make today will lead to big outcomes tomorrow.

Just start; you’ll either find out it was the wrong path or the right decision.

Either way, you’ll be better off than wondering.

8.) The world will do everything to dictate a timeline for your life.

Society has a predefined timeline for when you should get home, marry, have kids, etc.

This “coloring book” approach makes life predictable and limiting.

Ignore these expectations.

Start where you are, control your speed and direction, and your life will be more fun and epic.

9.) “I’m busy” means “I have no energy.”

We don’t have boundless energy, and certain interactions drain us.

Junk food, sitting all day, and a job you hate all kill your energy.

The best way to increase energy is by chasing your obsession and being intentional with your interactions.

Change your routine to boost your energy.

10.) Comparing yourself to others is the biggest waste of time.

Your heroes will disappoint you.

Success stories often leave out the small details, and the image of your heroes is mostly a fantasy.

Live your life and run your race. Do what you define as epic.

11.) Wealthy people are wealthy because they don’t build their lives around a salary.

There are three levels of wealth:

  • Level one: salary
  • Level two: one-person business
  • Level three: startup.

Most people live on level one, but 88% of millionaires are entrepreneurs.

To do epic things, break the mold and take calculated risks.

Do the opposite of 99% of people, increase your creativity, and start doing epic sh*t.

Thank you for reading!

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