Why You Should Stop Treating Your Creative Ideas Like Junk Mail

The ideas come to you for a unique purpose

Tonya S. Ware


What are you doing with the creative ideas that constantly stir inside you? Is it hard to find time to think about them, let alone do them?

“Graveyards are one of the richest places on Earth.” I heard those words from Dr. Myles Munroe years ago. I still think about them whenever I have a new business idea or look at the incomplete work on my hard drive.

Dr. Munroe was an author, speaker, and leadership consultant. He said some of the best books are in graveyards. But they are books that were never written. The same is true for songs never sung, paintings never painted, and discoveries that could have been made.

You don’t want the rich ideas inside you buried before they see the light of day. But that’s what happens when people sit on their creative ideas.

Now is the time to take action

“Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.” — Art Buchwald, humorist

Do you have an idea for a book? You plan to write it one day. However, you currently don’t have enough time to get it done. Guess…

