Why You Should write Journal

2 min readJun 22, 2022

Here is my take on journaling after journaling for six years.

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Helps analyse the situation in Depth

Writing takes effort and time, allowing you to analyse what you were thinking and how silly it was to react furiously to such a stupid incident? You fight with your fear of the situation. Most of the time, the problem is not that big; your mind exaggerates it. Finally, analysing sorts things out, and you feel relieved.

“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.”
— Flannery O’Connor

Tracks Growth

In the journal, you get to know what were your expectations, personal goals, wishes one year back, and how you have been doing, how you have grown over the years. Through a journal, you constantly keep a check on your life. Today, when I read my past entries, I cannot stop laughing at myself for how silly I was to think and write that. I see it as an achievement that I have grown so much that I am embarrassed by them🤞🏼.

Great Thoughts

Many fantastic thoughts come to your mind over the day (especially in the bathroom😂). You forget about those after some time, but noting them down provides solutions to much mental turmoil in the future. As most of the time, you yourself are capable enough to solve your problem, but it’s just that the fear, anxiety, anger, and all the other stuff make you lose your wisdom. Journal gets that back to you😊. Journal acts as that friend of mine who understands me the most as I have never pretended to be someone else in front of it.

Helps to be more Grateful

Making it a habit of writing something for which you appreciate, whether it be the people in your life or the opportunities you got, forces you to be more grateful. You genuinely start appreciating your life and the people around you. You turn to a person who always comes in the room with a smiling face (AAHHHhh, I love that feeling😌).

Writing every day makes no sense, in my opinion. No one’s life is that happening. Writing when you feel it’s worth noting is better, as you will revisit if it’s not too much. If it’s written on a daily basis, then it is too much to read through, and you will never do that.

Living through your extreme moments again (both pleasurable and painful) in your own viewpoint is FUN ;)

“The starting point of discovering who you are, your gifts, your talents, your dreams, is being comfortable with yourself. Spend time alone. Write in a journal.”
— Robin Sharma


Signing Off!!!




A DUMB, a hard-core book reader, a deep thinker, an introvert, who is trying to get out of the “Dumb” state.