Will “Karma” take care of your Revenge?

Varun Modi
4 min readJan 28, 2023
Image from https://pixabay.

The concept of Karma has been passed down through generations and across cultures. It speaks to the idea of ‘what goes around comes around’, and that those who do harm will eventually be held accountable for their actions. This idea is rooted in the belief that the universe is just and that good deeds will be rewarded while bad deeds will be punished. But what does this concept really signify and how can it be applied in our daily lives?

The concept of karma is closely related to the idea of cause and effect. It is believed that every action we take, whether good or bad, has a corresponding reaction or consequence. This reaction can manifest in many different forms, such as through our relationships, our health, or even our financial well-being. The idea behind karma is that our actions have a ripple effect that can influence our lives in both positive and negative ways.

When it comes to revenge, the idea that karma will take care of it can be a powerful reminder that seeking revenge is not always the best course of action. Revenge often stems from feelings of anger and a desire to hurt those who have hurt us. But when we act out of anger and seek revenge, we are only perpetuating the cycle of harm and suffering. Instead, it is important to remember that those who cause harm will eventually have to face the consequences of their actions.

It is important to understand that karma does not operate in the same way as human justice. The universe does not keep a tally of our good and bad deeds, waiting to dish out punishment or reward accordingly. Karma is not something that can be measured or quantified, and it doesn’t always happen in a way that we can see or predict. Instead, it is a natural law that operates in the background, influencing the course of our lives in subtle ways.

So what does it mean to let karma take care of your revenge? It means letting go of the desire for revenge and focusing on healing and moving forward. When we let go of the desire for revenge, we free ourselves from the burden of anger and resentment. We no longer waste our energy thinking about the person who hurt us, and we can instead focus on our own personal growth and well-being.

The idea of karma can also serve as a reminder that we have the power to control our own actions and reactions. When we are faced with someone who has harmed us, it can be easy to fall into the trap of seeking revenge. But by remembering that karma will take care of it, we can choose to rise above the desire for revenge and instead focus on the present moment. We can choose to react with kindness and compassion, even in the face of harm. This can be difficult, but it is ultimately a more empowering and fulfilling path.

In addition to the personal benefits of letting go of the desire for revenge, there are also societal benefits to embracing the idea that karma will take care of it. When we let go of the desire for revenge, we are able to break the cycle of violence and harm that can perpetuate in communities and societies. This can lead to a more peaceful and just society in which everyone is held accountable for their actions and conflicts are resolved in a peaceful and constructive manner.

It is important to note that the concept of karma is not just about punishment and reward, it is also about growth and learning. The universe is not out to get us, it is simply providing us with opportunities to learn and grow. When we experience negative consequences as a result of our actions, it is not because we are being punished, it is because we are being given the opportunity to learn and grow.

Furthermore, karma is not something that can be forced or manipulated. It is not something that can be earned through good deeds or avoided through evil deeds. An important aspect of karma is the idea of interdependence. Our actions do not exist in a vacuum, they are interconnected with the actions of others. This means that when we harm others, we are not only harming them, but we are also harming ourselves. On the other hand, when we act with compassion and kindness, we are not only benefiting others, but we are also benefiting ourselves.

In this context, karma teaches us about the interdependence of all living beings and how our actions can impact others and our own well-being. We should strive to act with kindness and compassion towards others, not out of fear of retribution, but out of an understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings.

In conclusion, the phrase “karma will take care of your revenge” is a reminder that our actions have consequences and that seeking personal revenge isn’t always the right path to move forward. By letting go of the desire for revenge (Leaving it to Karma) and focusing on healing and moving forward, we can empower ourselves to live a fulfilling and compassionate life.

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~Varun Modi

