Will The Trump Train Ever Stop?

People may want to get off

Floyd Mori


(Image is author’s)

Trump Train flags were prevalent after the election

There were all types of Trump flags during and after the 2020 elections. There seem to have never been flags for Presidential elections before Trump. What is it with the Trump people? The flags did draw attention to the man and his campaign. The flags are still around even months after the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States.

One type of flag mentioned the Trump Train. It was amazing that so many people jumped on the Trump train. They followed him religiously as he went to rallies around the United States. His supporters came out in droves and proclaimed their devotion to him.

(Image from the public domain)

After the election was over and he lost, his followers held demonstrations across the United States. They gathered to insist that Trump had won the election. They tried to overturn the results by various lawsuits and protests.

(Image is author’s)



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits. www.thejapaneseamericanstory.com.