Wine speaking: Prisoner of Time

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Sand can’t escape the hourglass,
The dial can’t escape the wall clock,
Shadows can’t escape the sundial,
Yet I am the one who is a prisoner of time.

It’s strange to ponder,
Whether it’s sand or a dial,
Sun or a shadow,
None realize they are not an exception…
All trapped with me in time’s prison.

Sand slips by,
Clock hands turn,
The sun chases shadows,
All in a race against endless time,
But I’m lost, trying to grasp a fleeting moment.

Whether it’s sand or a clock,
Even the sun and its shadows…
They race endlessly, but go nowhere.
Knowing this, and collecting moments,
Is a gift only the wise can cherish.



Haranadh Gavara

A wild thinker. Reflecting on life and grateful for all the good and bad that made me who I am today. Here to experience and live but not to judge