Without love you’re already dead. Grow up!

You can choose to have blood on your hands or to give a hand.

Anna A Techer
3 min readJan 1, 2023


Photo by Alexander Grey on Pexels

I grew up a in a world where weakness is executed.

Children laugh at it. They lash out at a blind man lying on the ground. They make fun of him. They insult him. They mock him for his frailty. Shame on him! They throw stones at him. Again. And again. Harassing the poor man:

Get up! We know you’re acting.

I could see the man hurting. I could see what he couldn’t. Rage in the children’s eyes. Joy when the first stone hit. Smile while killing him. Slowly but steadily.

Did I assist the man? No. I was too stunned to react. Was that good or evil? Was it normal? Was this the way the world should be? Should I also hurl a rock at him? Should I be laughing while he bleeds to death? Should I become a killer? We were children.

I grew up in a world where adults stayed children.

‘We want you to die’.

A woman stated to me. Her voice reflected no anger. No hate. Just a statement. You’re not up for this world. Death is a kindness. That’s when I understood the children were not to blame. Neither were their parents.

This was rampant from generation to generation. Blindness was taught, valued, and shared. Praised from centuries. Blindness to kindness. Blindness to help. Blindness to love. This world was devoid of life. This reality was a nightmare. Stay awake!

Did I consider suicide? Death would have relief. That is exactly what they desired. It was obvious. We will not stop until you’re dead. Then we will tramp on your dead body and rejoice in your ashes.

Cruelty. Not love. I never imagined myself dying. I never cherish death. I just stared blankly at the woman. Too stunned to realize the magnitude of her words. Power.

Words are a weapon. Words strike the heart. You see, language is a window into the world. A prism reflecting a reality. Our reality. But words are universal.

The words themselves do not matter. How you say them matters. The tone of voice alone can tell you whether a joke is mean or not. Words matter.

‘You have no love’.

That was my answer. It was her turn to look at me blankly. She could not understand. How could you expect someone who has never known love to recognize it, let alone express it? A person who has never felt loved cannot give love.

I grew up without love but love make me grow up.

Love, like words, is universal. Love surrounds us. But we’re blind to it. Oblivious. We make laugh at it. We grow strong, hard, and bitter. This woman was still a child. She didn’t know what was love, how to recognize it and cherish it.

Love empowers us. To have faith in our dreams. To make them come true. Dreams become a reality once we strive for them. If two people believe in the same dream, is it still a dream? No, it becomes a thought.

If this thought becomes shared by multiple minds, it becomes a belief. Belief has the power to modify our reality. How we perceive, comprehend, and respond to life. React!

We’re all children. Love is a gift.
We all have dreams. Love is precious.
We can all grow up. Love is to be cherished.

Seek, absorb and share the love. Once you know love, you come to understand hate. And how to deal with it. Without hate, anger, or bitterness. But with love.

I pitied her as I understood her. And I gave her love. More than she could ever imagine. Maybe one day, it will break her heart. And she’ll return the favor…

Love was given to me as a child, at 35. Age does not matter. I received it, and I grew up. Without love, you can never grow up. Without love, you cannot be the children you dreamed to be.

Life is a blessing. Life is priceless. Life is to be treasured. Love it dearly.



Anna A Techer

Life is A-Maze-Ing... Working my way through it! Content writer | Entrepreneur | Deal breaker