Affiliate Marketing On Medium

Medium Article Layout For Affiliate Marketing!

Affiliate marketing sales on Medium with layout and structure!

Deon Christie
9 min readNov 21, 2023


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Writing Affiliate Marketing Articles On Medium Requires Strategic Layout
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this Medium article.

· Medium article layout for affiliate marketing introduction.

· Article layout for affiliate marketing sales with Medium.

· Suggested Medium article structure for affiliate sales.

· Conclusion of Medium article layout for affiliate marketing.

· Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

Medium article layout for affiliate marketing introduction.

Making money with affiliate marketing means you must implement a specific Medium article layout for affiliate marketing. But you must also familiarize yourself with the Medium Rules when it comes to affiliate marketing. We will discuss that in more detail during the course of this article about how you generate affiliate sales on Medium.

Although Medium allows you to share affiliate offers, there are rules to comply with. Medium is not a spamming and scamming haven; you need a solid Medium article layout for affiliate marketing. Never forget that it is a privilege and a gift that Medium provides, therefore, be grateful and do not abuse this “gift”.

If you do, then the “Medium Spam Bot” will pick it up, this might result in your account being suspended, or even deleted! It’s not worth it, don’t “go there”! Instead, work with a proven Medium article layout for affiliate marketing. The suggested article layout (based on personal confirmation) is listed below, in sequence.

· H2 Medium kicker Subheader.

· H1 title header.

· H2 Subheader.

· Medium friend link.

· Featured image.

· Table of contents.

· Article Body With H2 Headers.

· Links to your other Medium articles.

· Affiliate offer quote block.

· Affiliate disclosure.

· Link to your Medium about page.

· Free gifts to attract subscribers.

Article structure and layout are not the same thing, layout is a sequential display. While structure makes up your Medium article content. But, we’re not going to get into the whole step-by-step SEO “thing”…again. This article is about Medium article layout and structure, specifically for affiliate marketing.

The Medium article layout and structure you will access during this article is also the exact same layout we personally use. After clearing everything with Medium support, just to be 100% sure. Therefore, this Medium article's layout and structure for affiliate marketing are pretty sound. Below are listed, what forms part of the article structure.

· Apply SEO strategies.

· Provide problem-solving content.

· Ask random questions.

· Maintain curiosity.

Article structure and layout go hand in hand, and we cannot ignore the benefits of SEO, especially with Medium. This is why you might also notice the SEO detail with both this Medium article layout and structure for affiliate marketing.

But as mentioned a moment ago, we’re not going to cover the whole SEO step-by-step again. That is already covered in the Medium article below. If you want to understand SEO in a single article, you might want to read this one.

Your first step to make money with affiliate marketing on Medium. Before you even touch this layout and structure, Read The Medium Rules! Do not “skip” that part, because you must understand how Medium works, and what is allowed before this Medium article layout for affiliate marketing will work for you.

Article layout for affiliate marketing sales with Medium.

There is a very fine line between article layout and structure. Because the article layout is kind of like a framework, where the structure, “completes the building”, so to speak. Your online Empire is a skyscraper, not a room. It needs a solid foundation and framework, complemented by interesting design.

There are 12 “layout steps” as listed below, also demonstrating how layout and design go hand in hand. You need to apply SEO strategies as part of the structure. The layout requires H1 and H2 headers, which form part of SEO. Combining this structure and article layout is a sure way to make money with affiliate marketing.

· H2 Medium kicker Subheader.

· H1 title header.

· H2 Subheader.

· Medium friend link.

· Featured image.

· Table of contents.

· Article Body With H2 Headers.

· Links to your other Medium articles.

· Affiliate offer quote block.

· Affiliate disclosure.

· Link to your Medium about page.

· Free gifts to attract subscribers.

Furthermore, you want to include the “Medium Friend Link”, allowing non-members to read unlimited amounts of your stories. This is a proven way to boost your Medium views considerably. The featured image must include all requirements, like alt attributes, captions, and provenance. Use bullet points or numbered lists to make up a table of contents.

Your Medium article “table of contents” must include all the H2 Subheaders used in your article body. While also including links to your other Medium articles, related to the topic, under each H2 article body Subheader. Using a quote block with the Medium editor is a great way to present your affiliate offer.

You may choose to use a short description of the affiliate product and then include the “Source” link, redirecting to your affiliate offer. But, unless your affiliate links are cloaked with a plugin called “Pretty Links Lite”, we recommend you use bridge pages instead of direct affiliate links. It’s always “safer”, just in case.

Although the Medium rules state that affiliate links with an affiliate code. Or any other link where you will receive a commission or any other value is allowed. They also clearly place exclamation on the fact that you must include an affiliate disclosure to comply with Federal Trade Commission Laws.

When you decide to leverage free giveaways, like your own eBooks to attract subscribers. You can choose to include this “along with the rest” in your article footer area. Providing you make it abundantly clear that Medium is not affiliated, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. You Must include this!

Please read the Medium Rules, we cannot stress this enough! Get more Medium profile views by leveraging this Medium article layout for affiliate marketing, and include the link to your Medium “About” page. Introduce yourself with a professional profile. Without a professional profile, affiliate marketing will be more of a disappointment.

Suggested Medium article structure for affiliate sales.

Being an important part of this Medium article layout for affiliate marketing, we will now take a brief look at the structure. As with any other Medium article, you want to understand how SEO works, in order to leverage search engines. This is where most of your “interest-targeted buyer traffic” will be coming from.

Generating sales with affiliate marketing, be it on Medium or otherwise, will always depend on the quality of your content. All the other combined layout and structure aspects we have just covered are proven, primarily at driving a lot of buyer traffic. That gets your visitor interested. How well your article solves a problem determines sales.

· Apply SEO strategies.

· Provide problem-solving content.

· Ask random questions.

· Maintain curiosity.

Maintain curiosity by asking questions, like you’re speaking directly to your reader through your content. The right question will create curiosity, because that’s what questions do, right? They create curiosity, is that not so? See how this works? The important part is to maintain curiosity and keep your reader entertained.

Combining this Medium article layout with the suggested structure for affiliate marketing is a sure way to generate sales. We know because that’s how we have been generating sales with affiliate marketing and Medium. But you cannot just include any random affiliate offer. To be more specific, it results in better sales.

Always ensure that your affiliate offers, “offer the same kind of solution”, that your article content does. Related to the same topic. Because people came across your article while searching for a specific topic. So, when they search for “writing advice”. They must be able to access two things as mentioned below.

They must be able to get free “writing advice” from your Medium article, that solves a problem. But you then leverage this Medium article layout for affiliate marketing. By including an affiliate offer that “teaches you how to write eBooks or articles” for example. Try to have a solid “connection” between your Medium article and affiliate offers.

Furthermore, always ensure your affiliate offer comes with a money-back guarantee. This is called a “safety net” in the marketing world. Because it sets your reader (buyer) at ease. Making them feel more comfortable that their investment is safe, and that they can get their money back.

But also be sure that the affiliate offer actually works. You don’t want high refund rates. Offer quality that works! It is highly recommended you purchase and personally test what you intend to offer your readers.

Conclusion of Medium article layout for affiliate marketing.

There are basically 13 sequential “elements”, forming part of your article layout for affiliate marketing sales on Medium. This kind of article layout makes it easier for both your readers and search engines to understand what your article is about. It simplifies the “understanding” process, which attracts favour.

Please do not neglect to include the required disclosures as mentioned in this article. Disclosures like affiliate disclosures, and the free giveaway disclosures, should you decide to go that route. If you do not, then you might be headed for disaster. Below are listed the 13 “elements” in “sequential” order.

· H2 Medium kicker Subheader.

· H1 title header.

· H2 Subheader.

· Medium friend link.

· Featured image.

· Table of contents.

· Article Body With H2 Headers.

· Links to your other Medium articles.

· Affiliate offer quote block.

· Affiliate disclosure.

· Link to your Medium about page.

· Free gifts to attract subscribers.

Then we have the Medium article “structural part” with this Medium article layout for affiliate marketing, as listed below. This is the “body” that completes your article layout or “framework”. Your Medium article structure must aim at solving problems, then include a “topic-related” affiliate offer in the footer area. But why the footer area?

· Apply SEO strategies.

· Provide problem-solving content.

· Ask random questions.

· Maintain curiosity.

You use the footer area to avoid annoying your readers. They are looking for “solutions”, not “floods of random affiliate offers”. A reader that reads your entire article, and only then reaches the affiliate offer. May be compelled by the quality of your article to also “check out” the affiliate offer. That is how you generate sales.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know that you need a Medium article layout for affiliate marketing? Do you struggle with driving traffic, generating sales, creating content, or writing? Would you like to make money with affiliate marketing?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “Medium Article Layout For Affiliate Marketing!” story on Medium is concluded.

Now you know how to leverage Medium article layout for affiliate marketing to generate sales. Isn’t it about time you started seeing some proper affiliate sales? Well, here’s your chance!

Swipe this massive library of sales pages, squeeze pages, and proven sales copy. If creating pages is a pain for you, then you need to look at this right away! An exclusive club with proven, professionally designed, sales templates! Besides, you have nothing to lose, because you get a full refund if you don’t like what you see! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, we will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full 30 to 60 days, no questions asked, money-back guarantee!

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

New subscribers on Medium receive 4 free gifts. 2 of our top traffic eBooks, and 2 free exclusive memberships with traffic tools we use. Subscribe to (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free gifts will be emailed to you ASAP. (Be sure your Medium email notifications are turned on!). Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. Contact us with any queries, not Medium support.



Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.