You Can’t Change The Past!

What do you do with what happened to you? Do you replicate or transform?

Pretty Lady
2 min readApr 10, 2024


Photo by Richard Jaimes on Unsplash

I begin another self-reflection with questions, lol. I believe in the power of questions, the changes they can bring to our lives, and the expansion of our consciousness.

Although many times in my process, I look for answers outside of myself. After all, we are conditioned since birth to seek recognition, belonging, and validation in the external world, even if it often doesn't make sense; this search is part of the process.

I like talking about my processes, pains, and questions because we share something very similar deep within our beings.

When I went to seek the holistic world, I was experiencing a moment of extreme suffering in my soul, and nothing in the physical world could access and reach my internal, subjective, and invisible space. Becoming a Therapist and Facilitator was not in my rational plans; it was a desire of my essence to overcome these sufferings that were so hidden and latent that they needed to be seen, welcomed, and felt. Running away from me was no longer an option.

One of the perceptions that made me transform my outlook and give new meaning to my experiences is that I could not change the Past.

Until I harmonized, accepted, and cleared these psycho-emotional memories, my Past would continue to be my Present. And, unconsciously, I would replicate and respond to life through these pains. And this is more common than we think.

I am not here in any way belittling or invalidating traumatic experiences, but the pain must be a crossing; it cannot become a home. Victimizing myself only made me lose energy, strength, and vitality. And this makes any system sick; without self-responsibility and personal power (being who you are), there is no cure. I may have been a victim, but today, I choose to be who I AM!

May this self-reflection reach those who need to remember that everything that happens to us works in our favor.

Thanks for reading!!!



Pretty Lady

A love and psychology expert. I love writing, it makes me happy.