You Too Can Have An Unwavering, Attractive Abundance Mindset

What Came First, An Abundance Mindset Or Having A Golden Egg?

Kalyn BR
5 min readSep 1, 2022


My Golden Eggs! Green-cheek Conures & Catalina Macaw — Photo By Author

Do you believe that you are meant to be abundant? For most, the answer is “Yes.” Most people intuitively sense this: it is a natural state of being. We experience abundance in life. A vast ocean, an endless, starry night; fresh air, countless leaves, blades of grass and so on.

Yes, we are meant to experience abundance, including financial abundance. We are meat to, at least, have the money that we need come our way to pay our bills and live in comfort. At least.

Other people have this and much more.

Why do some have so much more?

No doubt you know they have an abundant mindset. No doubt you understand that their mindset allows them to hold beliefs and feelings about money that attract abundance, so they have money. Their being resonates money, abundance.

Chances are you’d love to have this mindset and experience too.

Why can’t you?

An Unwavering Mindset

Yes, it’s a mindset difference, but you probably don’t see how you can just ‘choose’ to take it on, or how would you? I’m sure you’ve tried to think and believe you are abundant. You could fake feelings, but you can’t fake a bank account. You can’t fake it until you make it, there’s no faking out energy.

But you could change your mind.

The difference between someone with a financially abundant mindset and someone without: the person with money is unwavering. They keep having money, feeling like money likes them, think that sufficient money will come their way and they hold an energetic frequency of money/financial abundance. They don’t doubt this, and they don’t entertain a lack-based mindset.

Get yourself out of the chicken or the egg-loop. Don’t mistakenly think that a golden egg must come first for you to think and feel abundantly- energy comes first. You must decide that you are abundant and take on this energy. When you do, you will find that the thoughts and feelings come more easily and you attract effortlessly.

Why can’t you sustain the mindset?

Let’s say you’ve tried to take on an abundant mindset. You’ve likely tried and tried, but lack sneaks in. The sensation of not having enough; lack-based thoughts, feelings and actions that doubt your abundance pop up and you end up expecting to lose or not attract money.

We all understand that alcoholics are addicted to drinking and that it is difficult for them to go long without thinking about, wanting and feeling like they have to have a drink. If you don’t have the money you need or dream of, then a similar thing is happening to you: you can’t sustain an unwavering lack-free mindset.

Money Mindset, Consciously & Subconsciously

No doubt you’ve tried running a mantra through your mind: “Money loves me, I easily attract money!” or something similar.

But clearly, it’ didn’t work.

That’s because you also have thoughts, feelings and behaviors that contradict the mantra, cancel it out. Your energy isn’t aligned. You can say that you are sending the universe mixed messages.

In other words, if you could tap into an unwavering money mindset (consciously and subconsciously), then you would attract money, effortlessly.

It’s time to choose and intend to change your state of being to an abundant one. The key is to flow* all your ‘money baggage’ so that lack doesn’t pop-up for you and in you.

To Flow* Your Energy
I used to not understand what people meant by, “Leave the past and your baggage behind.” What was there to leave? I wasn’t carrying anything physical with me.

However, we sustain beliefs, feelings, attitudes and definitions about money. We take on a mindset about whether money is good, bad, easy to come by or impossible. We define what it means to be rich, how much money we should have — and we just place all sorts of restrictions on the energy of financial abundance. It’s like trying to buy clothes for the baggage of a child for ten years from now! We don’t know what the child will grow up to look like, so we can’t choose appropriately-sized clothes.

And yet, we do this with money. We tell ourselves and embed beliefs in ourselves about how easily we can or can’t attract money. We define and limit our ability before we even tap into the energy, defining the golden egg before we even have an egg!

Free yourself!

Flowing your energy is about working with yourself to unbind your energy so that, instead of being usurped upholding limiting beliefs or definitions about yourself, you release these. You let go of the baggage, all the information you previously held on and about money.

You are meant to be a money magnet. It is your natural state- when you flow all those lack-based pop-ups! Flowing your energy and experience this way means that you:

1. Welcome — Abundance is inclusive. It is everything, including lack. Let yourself embrace all of your feelings and thoughts about money, even lack.

2. Be — Then second step is to experience your experience. Lack makes you feel a certain way, so feel it. People mistakenly think they’ll be taken over by lack if they let themselves feel it. However, they are really avoiding it, which tends to cause more lack pop-ups in you.
On the other hand, if you let yourself experience how life and lack make you feel, it will shift. Because abundance vibrates higher than lack, when you welcome the whole of your experiences, you will transform any lack within you. Naturally!

3. Flow — The last step is to let your experience flow or go. As you let go you find that you have taken over lack instead. You have consumed and digested your experience; as you then let it flow, or go, you become lighter and freer. Your energy naturally raises in frequency too.

When you flow your money, taking on that unwavering abundance mindset becomes effortless. You already know it is your more natural state of being and that you are meant to have money.

That’s the secret to creating a golden egg, no chicken required!

Set out to take on the unwavering mindset and to flow the lack-based pop-ups that will come. With time and dedication to your new mindset, you will improve your financial experience because you will naturally hold the energy of abundance.

Better still, you’ll feel and think better of yourself too. There’s nothing better than flowing and freeing yourself of the parts of you that tell you that you don’t deserve money. Instead, you’ll notice more golden thoughts and feelings about yourself and your life!

About Me:
For 20 years one of my favorite things has been helping people raise their frequency to be energetically bigger and live their dreams as a teacher & author (under KB Raphael)
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Kalyn BR

Helping People Live Their Dreams As Intuitive Retreat Leader: US, Mexico & Bali, On-going Groups & Author (10 Books incl. Shamanic Egg Cleansing) | Flowing.Zone