You were a fish, mud adorned your head and shoulders…

4 min readSep 21, 2023
Photo: Khoa Võ | Pexels

The Genesis of Self

You are suspended in a world where everything moves slowly.

Your eyes see everything in shades of blue and green, and you float effortlessly. You were a fish. But just as suddenly, mud adorns your head and shoulders, pulling you down, grounding you.

The imagery might seem unusual, but it serves as a metaphor for the birth of our consciousness and the weight of existence.

“The unexamined life is not worth living,”

said the great philosopher Socrates.

We, as humans, are constantly transitioning from the fluidity of unconscious existence, much like fish in water, to the solidified state of self-awareness, the proverbial mud on our shoulders.

This journey from ignorance to enlightenment, from the fluidity of water to the weight of mud, defines our human experience.

Remember when you were a child?

You flowed with the moments, rarely anchored by the concerns of the future or the regrets of the past. But as time progressed, life’s responsibilities, societal expectations and the quest for purpose pulled you into the mud of existential crisis.

“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains,”

— Jean-Jacques Rousseau

As we grow, we realize the chains that bind us — societal norms, personal responsibilities, and self-imposed limitations. The weight of these chains can feel like the suffocating mud clinging to our head and shoulders. Yet, it’s this very mud that shapes our unique identities and pushes us to examine our lives deeply.

It’s tempting to yearn for the days when we were fish — days free of burdens. However, it’s in the thick of the mud, amidst life’s challenges, that we truly find ourselves. Every individual’s journey through the mud is different, but there’s a universal truth:

It’s in the struggle that we find meaning.

As you read this, perhaps you’re wondering about your own journey. Where are you on this spectrum between water and mud? No matter where you find yourself today, I invite you to embrace the mud, to dig deep into the weight of existence, and to extract the pearls of wisdom buried within.

Photo: karatara | Pexels

The Weight of Existence

In embracing the journey from the water to the mud, one confronts the weight of existence. It’s both a literal and metaphorical weight, characterized by physical realities and the burdens of thought. When Friedrich Nietzsche remarked,

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how,”

he wasn’t merely talking about finding a purpose. He was touching upon the human capacity to endure, adapt, and evolve.

Recall the evolution of species.

Once, we were marine beings, but over millions of years, we adapted to terrestrial life. This transition, fraught with challenges, symbolizes our individual and collective quests. Life forces us out of our comfort zones, demanding growth and adaptation.

The mud — a symbol of our trials, challenges, and existential burdens — provides resistance. And it’s against this resistance that we build strength, much like a pearl that forms around a grain of sand. Consider this:

without the irritant of that grain, the pearl would never form.

Similarly, without the weight of our existential burdens, would we ever introspect, grow, and seek enlightenment? The Bhagavad Gita states,

“Change is the law of the universe. You can be a millionaire, or a pauper in an instant.”

This recognition of the transient nature of existence is key to navigating the muddy waters of life.

Every culture, religion, and philosophical system offers tools to handle this weight. Stoicism teaches acceptance and the power of focusing on what’s within our control. Eastern philosophies emphasize detachment and the impermanence of life. Yet, at the core, they all address the same question:

How do we find meaning amidst the weight of existence?

Photo: Egor Kamelev | Pexels

Muddy Waters

Let’s circle back to our opening analogy.

Fish in water, free and untethered. Humans, laden with mud, searching for meaning. While we may reminisce about our free-flowing past, it’s essential to realize that the mud isn’t an adversary. Instead, it’s a guide, leading us to higher realms of consciousness.

Alan Watts, a philosopher known for bridging Eastern and Western thought, said,

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”

This speaks volumes about our approach to life’s complexities. Sometimes, in our frantic attempts to clear the mud, we disturb it even more. But if we leave it, let it settle, clarity emerges.

So, when life feels overwhelming, when the mud seems too dense, remember: Clarity is on the horizon. The mud on our heads and shoulders is not a curse but a blessing in disguise. It forces introspection, growth, and a deeper appreciation of existence.

The journey from water to mud isn’t a descent into chaos but an ascent to enlightenment. The weight of existence, as heavy as it might feel, is a tool to carve out a deeper, more profound understanding of life.

Every speck of mud you encounter is an opportunity, a nudge towards growth, and a step closer to the pearls of wisdom.

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