You Wish You Were Brave Enough. Don’t You?

Faryal Malik
3 min readFeb 5, 2023
Photo by kevin turcios on Unsplash

When I was just a beginner writer who scribbled her stories on random scraps of paper.

The only thing that I desperately wanted was for my writing pieces to be read by the world.

And funnily enough, the only thing that I desperately didn’t want was for my writing pieces to be read by those who knew me personally.

I know right?

The Dilemma!

Back then the scariest thing in the world to me was simply being vulnerable.

Just imagining someone who knew me reading my raw, unfiltered thoughts and emotions would send shivers down my spine.

Fair enough!

Don’t you think?

But I used to think this was a problem, only I had.

I mean I used to look at how my favorite writers were brutally honest about their fears, struggles, and overall lives in front of the entire world.

I couldn’t help but be in awe of their bravery.

They were at a level that I could only wish I could be at!

And every time after reading a piece of writing where the author bared their soul. I would always catch myself thinking,

“You wish you were brave enough to do the same, don’t you Faryal?”

Now, are you ready to witness some character development?

If yes?

Then read on! My Friend!

It was not until I came across a post on the internet that changed it all for me.

Almost like someone flipped a switch in my mind.

Suddenly yet unexpectedly.

Someone wrote,

“Being a writer means wanting the entire world to read your work except for those who know you.”

Now I know what you might be thinking at this point.

Certainly, you found this quote relatable, but what’s the big deal Faryal?

Well, hold on!

Stay with me, will you?

This little writer’s mind of mine did not take this quote for its face value only.

Yes, I found it relatable, and it spoke to my soul.

At that point in time.

Quite literally.

But what got me was the fact that the post right in front of me was a Testament to How Important Being Honest and Vulnerable about Your Thoughts and Emotions as a Writer Is.

I mean how I looked at it was.

Only because that writer was honest enough to speak about their struggle.

This beginner writer felt brave enough to even consider being honest and vulnerable in sharing her stories.

That’s the impact of a single honest sentence right there.

Even now I still wonder how many others like me who came across that post got inspired by that writer’s sheer honesty.

As a result, since then every time I share one of my stories.

I ask myself a few questions,

Was I Honest Enough in Describing the Facts and Details of the Story?

Was I Vulnerable Enough in Sharing my Innermost Thoughts and Emotions?

Was I Brave Enough in Exploring a Difficult/Sensitive Topic?

Is my Story Relatable Enough to Build a Meaningful Connection between my Reader and I?

If and only if I find myself answering these questions while staying truthful to myself, I share it with the world to read.

It is amazing how that one simple yet honest sentence of someone made me an unapologetically brave writer.

Genuinely, this is the impact that I want my writing to have on others.

I want my honesty and vulnerability to help those who are struggling.

I want my stories to speak to their souls.

In short,

I Want to be the Writer who Makes Others Want to be Brave!

P.S. Even though I can’t participate in the MPP, I’m not gonna let that bring me down. And you know why? Because I have the support of you guys!

So, If you liked what you read, just click on the link 👉 Buy Me A Coffee!

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Faryal Malik

Digital Writer | Chronic Storyteller | Desi Food Connoisseur. You can reach me at (