Your Degree is not the Most Important thing while at University

3 min readFeb 4, 2024

University is a great place to be: often not for the reasons we prioritize. Let’s explore this!

Photo by Pang Yuhao on Unsplash

We often treat university as if it is the same as high school. We fixate on the desired outcome of high school, which is to achieve the necessary grades to get into university, apprenticeships, etc. This fixation stops us from thinking about the bigger picture. The bigger picture is the experiences you have embarked on, the people you have connected with, and what you have portrayed to the world within yourself. Don’t make this mistake at University and just focus on getting that 1st class degree. There’s nothing wrong with this, of course. There’s just more to university and there’s more to life.

Here’s what else you can focus on!

Find Your Communities

University has an abundance of students, and people with a diversity of values, interests, and goals. The key is to find those who align with your values, which can be more challenging than it seems. So, attend events; if you love entrepreneurship, immerse yourself in the enterprising community. If you love art, join the art society. You get the point! Focus on finding these niches of people and building quality relationships with them. Learn from them and help them in any way you can.

Of course, there’s people that aren’t going to connect with you or understand you. That’s fine. Mr. West said it best.

“I refuse to accept other people’s ideas of happiness for me. As if there’s a “one size fits all” standard for happiness”

Start a Side Project

Yes, there’s a lot of talk about side hustles at University, and while budgeting can be tough, extra income is useful.

However, the benefit is not necessarily the financial gain, but rather the learning gain. I believe everybody should work on a project for at least 3 months. This is your chance to express yourself and delve deeper into an interest outside of your degree. The skills you gain from pursuing a side project can enhance your employability and more importantly, your confidence.

Here’s a list of side projects you can do:

  • Freelancing — programming, videography, content creation, etc.
  • Set up an e-commerce store.
  • Write a blog — like I’m doing.
  • Learn an instrument

There are infinite things to do, choose something that fits within your passions, expertise & what is needed.

Build Great Professional Relationships

A university email goes a long way alongside building a good LinkedIn profile.

Connect with people already in the profession you are inspired to be in. Ensure you react, like, and comment on any content they produce. Ask thought-provoking questions where the answers will help you on your journey.

Don’t underestimate the power of a cold email, keep it concise and be clear with your intentions. It is true, that many of your emails will not get a response, nevertheless, a single response can alleviate all your concerns and unanswered questions.

Keep an open mind, set aside your ego, and I believe you can learn everything that you need to know. This knowledge can help you find opportunities right for you or the ones that aren’t right. Knowing what you don’t like is also a great step forward.


University is a significant time investment. Be proactive with these 3–4 years and the world is yours!

Any questions please reach out.




Creating my 2nd brain while building Jigsaw Careers.