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How One Simple Change Transformed My Health!

Discover my secrets for Better Diabetes Management!

Prasad Babu Galla
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2024


I used to eat chicken up to five days a week as a non-vegetarian but I’ve realised that I need to change my eating habits to manage my diabetes. Living with diabetes used to feel like a constant battle, but then I made one simple change that changed everything!

The Decision That Changed My Life

Two months ago, I made the decision to manage my diabetes by eliminating rice, Potatoes, Chicken, Junk food, sugar, and sugary carbs from my diet. Instead, I embraced the humble roti as my go-to staple, and the results have been nothing short of miraculous.

Sacrificing your favorite foods is necessary to prioritize your health.

A satisfying Alternative

Transitioning away from my old eating habits wasn’t easy, but the rewards have been worth it. Rotis have become my saving grace, providing a satisfying alternative to high-carb foods like rice and potatoes. Moreover, by cutting out unwanted elements, I’ve regained control over my blood sugar levels and my overall health.

A remarkable transformation

Within just two brief months, I’ve undergone a remarkable transformation. With stable blood sugar levels, increased energy, and I feel rejuvenated. And the best part? Rotis make every meal a delight, offering endless possibilities for delicious and nutritious creations. Incorporating a simple walk or brisk walk into my routine has also helped me manage diabetes effectively.

Healthy and Joyful Future

By taking control of my diet, I’ve regained control over my diabetes and my overall well-being. With every nourishing bite I take, I understand that I’m progressing towards a healthier, more joyful future. Although there may be obstacles along the path ahead, I’m ready to face them head-on with the knowledge that I’m in control of my destiny.


If you’re ready to take control of your diabetes and transform your health, explore the food that works for you. By making one simple change to my diet, I’ve unlocked a world of possibilities for better health and well-being. And with rotis by my side, the future has never looked brighter!

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Prasad Babu Galla

"In every word, a mystery stirred." 📚 Mystery Author ✍️WIP: SHE KILLED HIM - Book Two of Murder Trilogy 🕵️ ✍️ Crafting Intriguing and Cliffhanger Stories