
Magic Of Mushrooms

The Story of Mushrooms

Surekha Chandrasekhar


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Mushrooms are known as ‘’koon ‘’ in my village. Unlike the sturdy button mushrooms ‘’koon’’ is very very delicate. Bunches of tiny white umbrellas sprouted near the decayed tree trunks and on loose mounds of soil at the onset of the monsoons. These delicate varieties can simply vanish if raindrops fall on them. I have a keen eye for spotting these tiny wonders.

As soon as they emerged Granny would be informed about them. She is the expert to check whether they are edible or not. Edible mushrooms are rare and need the expertise to pick them. We cherished them for one or two days before they disappeared with the heavy rains.

Granny would make ‘’koon thoran’’ with garam masala and coconut slices. This is tempered in coconut oil with red chilies, shallots, and curry leaves. Steamed rice balls dipped in the tender ‘koon thoran’’ is an unforgettable gourmet experience. Biting into the tender flesh of mushrooms gave a meaty flavor. Koon Thoran tasted like a spicy chicken curry.

When I shifted to Pune, these tiny mushrooms and the moody monsoons of Kerala became a part of my nostalgia. I often make the spicy mushroom thoran at home and it is a big hit, but store-bought button mushrooms are no comparison to the tiny magical mushrooms of my village.

Mushrooms are highly versatile. They are great over pizzas, you can stir-fry them in olive oil, add in pasta and the best part is you can make delicious heart-warming soups with mushrooms. Mushrooms are widely used in many Italian culinary delights. Mushroom Soup is a gourmet choice and definitely a mood lifter.

Here is a simple recipe for mushroom soup from my kitchen 😊

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(Makes two bowls )

· 200 gms of button mushrooms (or one packet )

· One small onion

· A small piece of ginger

· 4 to 5 garlic cloves

· 1 teaspoon of corn flour

· 1 cup of fresh cream

· 1 tablespoon Butter

· 2 teaspoons of Olive oil

· Salt

· Pepper

· Mixed Herbs Italian

Parsley or fresh coriander for garnish. I have used some dry chili flakes and almonds too.


Always buy fresh mushrooms. Put them in a bowl full of water and clean them of dirt with your hands. Take them out and pat them dry with a clean cloth.

Take a thick-bottomed Pan. Add butter and olive oil. Add finely chopped onion, garlic, and ginger. Sauté till translucent on a medium flame. Add sliced mushrooms. Sauté till the mushrooms shrink and their juices are released. Add salt and pepper. Add a pinch of mixed herbs. Make a paste of cornflour in half a cup of water. Add to the mushrooms slowly. Mix lightly. Reduce the flame, and remove a portion of the mushrooms in a bowl. Blend it into a puree. Now add the puree back into the pan. Add cream. Add two more cups of water to get the soup consistency. Simmer and remove from stove. Soup is ready to be served now. You can add croutons, fresh thyme, or tender coriander sprigs for garnish. I added chopped almonds as a garnish to this preparation. You will enjoy this delicious nutty-flavored healthy soup.

Mushroom Benefits :

Photo by Thanh Soledas on Unsplash

Mushrooms are fleshy spore-bearing bodies of a fungus growing above the soil. Mycoprotein found in fermenting spores of mushrooms is a great source of plant-based protein. The protein present in mushrooms contains all nine essential amino acids. It is a great substitute for meat-based dishes. They are nontoxic plants that are adaptogens that help our body to fight against stress. Always use fresh mushrooms available in good stores.

They are rich in many minerals like Selenium, Potassium, Copper, Iron, Phosphorus, and Vitamin D.

They contain a high dose of antioxidants Ergothioneine and Glutathione. These antioxidants can protect the body from physiological stress causing early aging.

They also contain skin -barrier-protecting beta-glucan, which protects skin from sun damage and hyperpigmentation.

Regular intake of mushrooms can reduce depression. A new variety of mushrooms found in the Kodaikanal region known as ‘shrooms ‘’ are getting popular in medical research due to their psychedelic and mood-uplifting properties. It is also a memory booster.

So, what are you waiting for? Load up your plates with mushroom delicacies!

