How did your child benefit from preschool?

Navneet Rastogi
Published in
1 min readSep 15, 2019

In India, kids start going to preschools at the age of around 2 or 2.5 years i.e in Pre-Nursery or Playgroup.

Preschools have many benefits for the kids. It helps the kid grow and developmentally and emotionally too. As this is the first time a kid spends time and enjoy with people other than his parents, he learns to mingle up with others, hence developing socially.

Parents these days can monitor the child’s development in every field by school management software like illumine.

Parent-Teacher communication is improved as the teacher can now use the school app to share every update of the child in real time. Be it the activity he enjoyed, the meals he finished and his other development reports.

A child learns to share and communicate with others in preschool. He also becomes independent. His social anxiety decreases.

Preschools also help the child in the transition to Kindergarten. This would help them to learn better when they start formal education or follow an academic schedule.

