Illumineto Video Help Center

Mike Morper
Illumineto Spark
1 min readJul 13, 2016


It’s not enough just to have great help documentation these days. In fact, most millennials will tell you they’d far prefer a quick one to three minute video than paragraphs of text to read. Oops, I guess that’s the wrong thing to write on a Medium blog. But I digress…

Illumineto Spark Help Center

We want you to learn as quickly as possible and get back to what you do best: selling.

Link: Illumineto Video Help Center

There are dozens of videos packed up for your viewing pleasure, each in a logic section — based on where you are in our product (Get Started, Dashboard, Pages, Settings, Teams). And of course, there’s a great search engine too.

Something missing? Let us know and we’ll happily add more videos!



Mike Morper
Illumineto Spark

Tech geek, entrepreneur, marketing guru who takes pictures, rides and once was a head roadie too.