Insight into your prospect

Mike Morper
Illumineto Spark
Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2016

What else is there? Ohh, there’s so much more — what about having insight into your prospects every action with your content?

We spoke about how Ben, our salesperson, can speak real-time with Lisa, our buyer (with the complete conversation being recorded in Spark).
But, what else is happening — how about before Lisa asks Ben a question.

We know Ben built a Spark page for her and sent it, but, what else? Well, how about Ben being informed what Lisa looked at, when she looked at it, and even if she forwarded it to someone else?

Imagine that! Ben can go to his Spark dashboard and see answers to all those questions — now knowing that Lisa may have spent the most time on an “Accounts Payable” white paper (remember that previous blog post where we mentioned this?), he can then immediately add/update additional assets around that subject to their Spark page and forward again to Lisa — almost like reading her mind!!!

Imagine a whole team of sales professionals in the same organization doing this — buyers will start receiving answers to their problems faster than a sales rep can say “Sorry about that, I misunderstood what you really wanted to solve your problem”.

Selling is hard and Illumineto is trying to do everything in our power to make it easy for you.



Mike Morper
Illumineto Spark

Tech geek, entrepreneur, marketing guru who takes pictures, rides and once was a head roadie too.