Music & Sales — it’s all about how it’s played

It’s all about the music

Blaine Phelps
Illumineto Spark
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2016


One of our co-founders has a child — a child that is so talented at what he does, he is doing things that we, when we were children, only dreamed about.

His 16 year old son plays in a band…that they formed when they were 10. They have multiple albums out. They have had press, been on TV, performed in front of large groups, and yes, even played in bars — no, not like what you see in the movies, but, I guess, more restaurant than bar, but, definitely something akin to CBGB (just without all the drugs and heavy drinking).

I’ve seen them perform (on TV as well as live), and they really are a talented bunch. In fact, many of them have been recording for years. But, they have discovered that playing music is totally different than recording music — of course, you need to understand “music”, but, the technologies are totally different. Laying down a soundtrack with all the layers is not at all like strumming a few chords. Both require talent, and both have to be “learned”.

There are times when I give a demo where I feel like I’m in a band — where the music is just playing beautifully, and everyone is standing and cheering at the end. Other times, it feels like I hit every wrong chord available and the audience was ready to throw rotten tomatoes at me.

Right? It’s all about orchestration — setting up each piece so that they will all flow together and at the end, you will have told a story, with everyone walking away understanding what just happened and happy to have been part of it.

Well, to all of us at Illumineto, we see sales the same way — that it’s the telling of the story that matters, and if it’s set to music, all the better.

You have the instruments — your voice, your mind, your personality, and you have the technology to “lay-down” your story, be it your Powerpoint presentation, your email client, and so forth.

One without the other, especially in today's’ “information overload” reality, usually ends in failure. By combining both the instrument (you!) and the technology (what you have around you), you can tell a story that will keep the listener (in your case, the prospect) on edge and interested.

That’s what Illumineto Spark does for you — it takes all of your instruments and let’s you “lay-down” the track that is best for your audience — in other words, get them interested so they will buy your album (okay, in your case, it’s your product or service).

Too many times we see sales professionals who throw the same old content over the fence and “hope” it works. That’s almost like your favorite band putting out it’s 19th album hoping that it will sell like the first three albums that went platinum. In most cases, it doesn’t work. Of course, it gets some sells, but, not like what it did when it was original, inspiring, and personal.

Sales professionals always need to keep this edge — that’s why there are so many OLD successful sales pro’s out there — because they never lost their edge, they knew that they had to keep each and every call unique and personal.

What’s great is that Illumineto Spark does a lot of that for you — so that you can open up dialogue with more prospects.

Don’t let the music get old — keep it fun and personal, and just like in Sales, the deals will keep coming.



Blaine Phelps
Illumineto Spark

World Marketer, lover of trance music, sales & marketing leader, Volunteer Firefighter