It’s all about the Spark!

Blaine Phelps
Illumineto Spark
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2017


Illumineto Spark is all about engaging your prospect.

It’s about shortening the time to closure.

It’s about selling more.

It’s about meeting your numbers.

If you don’t use Spark effectively, then the above will most likely not happen.

The founders of Illumineto believed in one thing — to offer a single location for a prospect to make a decision.

They didn’t like receiving a dozen emails during a deal with numerous attachments — and they knew that if they hated it, why would someone that they were trying to sell to like it?

Illumineto Spark let’s sales professionals place all the relevant content onto a single web page. (And no, they don’t need to learn a whole new language like HTML or Flash — just drag and drop it!)

After the content is placed, they email it (using their own corporate email address) to their prospect. Nope, not a link, but the actual page.

This page now has all the relevant information for the prospect to make a decision — in an easy to read and follow format. Top to bottom.

Here is what it looks like:

Does it look like a marketing email? Sure. Some people like it like that because the images are big and draw the attention of the prospect to the exact spot they need them to be at. Others like to use Illumineto’s other format where all the images are file icons.

But, I digress. Let’s get back to what’s important. The offering of a page to a prospect that let’s a sales professional tell the story that they want to showcase their value. No longer are there emails going back and forth with attachments. No longer is there an email that is pages long that asks a prospect to open an attachment named “ABC” and then opening up another attachment entitled “ABD” and then opening up “ABQ”. (Don’t say that you have never had a prospect open up the wrong attachment and get frustrated — it happens. Every day!)

We wanted you, the sales pro, to lay out the content so your prospect can digest it and understand it, without them calling you out of confusion or walking away for the same reason.

Oh — and what about there being the need to provide more information to your prospect? Just add it to the page (at the top or bottom, up to you (we recommend the top)). ALL the information is still in a single location without there being dozens of emails.

Engage your customers and prospects with Illumineto. It’s simple to use and offers so much.



Blaine Phelps
Illumineto Spark

World Marketer, lover of trance music, sales & marketing leader, Volunteer Firefighter