Blaine Phelps
Illumineto Spark
2 min readNov 3, 2016


Yes, even with Illumineto Spark, you will close more deals by keeping it short and simple (or as they always yelled at me in the Army — “Keep it simple, stupid”).

They definitely knew how to build you up!!!

But, the same concept applies with Spark (no, not the stupid part, but, the keeping it short and simple).

Our most successful users are putting three to four assets on a page. That’s it. Not dozens.

Think about it — in your own life, do you like getting that Lowe’s email that has two or three offers? Or that Bed, Bath, and Beyond email that has dozens of offers on the same page — so overwhelming, you just look at one and say “I don’t have the time to decipher the hieroglyphics!”.

That’s the same with a Spark page.

  1. Don’t overwhelm your prospect by putting dozens of assets on a page (or try to limit it to no more than five)
  2. Layout the page so it answers their questions and needs — don’t put a brochure about your mobile app at the top (when they want to know what will be required from their IT department)
  3. Use the different formatting capability to bring emphasis to what is most important — like bolding or underlining important words in your greeting and notes or using different layouts in each section to bring attention to what’s important

Here’s an example of a page I copied from one of our users — it should give you an idea of how KISS it can be.

Too many times as I work with our users, I see them try and answer every question that their prospect may have, not what is relevant.

If you are an older sales professional, you used to “leave behind” brochures, right? Did you leave over a dozen? No, you left one or two, along with a pricing sheet and whatever asset would help close the deal now.

This is the same concept in using Spark — except it’s all digital.

I hope this helps.

Good luck selling!!!

Pro Tip: Change the layout of your page



Blaine Phelps
Illumineto Spark

World Marketer, lover of trance music, sales & marketing leader, Volunteer Firefighter