Tell the story you want, every time

Mike Morper
Illumineto Spark


Telling a compelling story is an art. We’ve all met people who can tell a story and we’ll talk about it (and them) for weeks after. We’ve also met people who tell unremarkable stories and we forget both the story — and them — the second we turn away.

Sales is all about telling the story. The story about how you solve someone’s problem. How you can feel their pain and want to help; that you want to make their problem your own and solve it.

If I was a prospect and had this empathy from a sales rep, I would do everything I could to give them my business. But, unfortunately, many sales reps can’t tell a story that’s compelling even if their job was on the line. But, I must say this — the best storytellers I have ever run across in my life are sale professionals. Ohhh, if only we could share them here!!! Their storytelling would keep you so engaged it would make your hair curl!

Today, your story consists of meeting the person, either in person or over the phone. Then, you cobble together an email with various attachments that you hope will convince them to call you back (which is a win, right? You don’t have to keep calling them to see if you answered their problems.) You send it, and then hope for the best.

There are some tools out there that “cobble together” all of your assets and put them in a single PowerPoint, as well as tools that tell you that the email was received, and even some tools that automatically put the opportunity into your CRM system so you don’t have to. It must be difficult to have to use so many different tools before you can ever really get to telling your story.

Well, this all boils down to Spark and how it can help you build the story that you want (as well as doing all the above for you in a single tool).

You just met your prospect and now need to follow-up with all the answers that they asked for. You are an okay storyteller and have assured them that your solution will solve all of their pains and even ones they haven’t thought about yet.

Now, you have to deliver.

Why not build a Spark page that puts emphasis on what they thought was important that you address? Put the top asset that addresses their biggest concern right on top. If you haven’t seen this brief video, check it out. It really does a nice job of showcasing exactly what I’m talking about:

Of course with Illumineto Spark, you can lay out your Spark page any way you want — thereby telling the story the way you want. This all builds up better engagement with your prospect by drawing their eyes to what’s important — not where they have to guess which document is most important like in an email.

There’s so much more that you can do with Spark to gain engagement, but, pictures speak a thousand words and building the page so it tells your story is a great place to start.



Mike Morper
Illumineto Spark

Tech geek, entrepreneur, marketing guru who takes pictures, rides and once was a head roadie too.