What’s in a Subject Line

Blaine Phelps
Illumineto Spark
2 min readFeb 26, 2017


So many of our customers have asked us:

“What do I put as a subject line to get them to open the email?”

Great question.

There’s lots of answers. Some can be found here, and others here.

There are countless stories around the internet that anyone can search for and get an idea of what to write.

From how many words (characters) that should be in them, like this graphic from Informz shows,

reinforcing the idea that the shorter the subject line, the easier it is to not only read, but, to get someone to open the email.

To how deceptive subject lines are becoming, like this graphic shows from Litmus & Fluent, and can cause your prospect to not really like you.

In other words, you have to be creative, but also honest. You have to be pointed, but, not misleading.

It’s tough and there is no crystal ball as to what works and what doesn’t (if you are putting the effort into it).

What do I use you ask? I use this daily — not only for cold-calling, but also for nurturing a lead.

I’m not a BOT, actual human being here!

Yes, I’m different. But, I do write each email individually and add in the body something like “No, as the subject line stated, my name is Blaine, I’m sitting in my home office watching the dog in the backyard here in Virginia, and am contacting you to see if you are interested in xyz.”

I’ve had a 95% open rate and over 50% call/write back, so, I think I’m doing okay. But, the caveat is, I make each email personal so that the reader knows that it isn’t a bot writing them.

That’s it. Hope you found this information helpful when using Illumineto Spark and a subject line.

Good luck selling!



Blaine Phelps
Illumineto Spark

World Marketer, lover of trance music, sales & marketing leader, Volunteer Firefighter