When you should send out your Spark pages (or “I want research!”)

Blaine Phelps
Illumineto Spark
3 min readJan 21, 2017


In this months monthly webinar on Spark discussing all of its “in-&-outs”, a sales professionals asked “Hold on there, you said that the best time to send a Spark page was between 10am and 11am, where did you get that research from?”

Well, I got it from reading all those boring research reports that come out every week by some known and unknown companies.

So, to help you, I pulled what I thought was most important for you to get the best results from Illumineto Spark.

Here you go:

What’s the best day and time to send an email:

Tuesday is the best day to send an email with a higher open rate. MailChimp

Thursdays is when the peak inbox activity occurs. GetResponse

Between 10am and 11am, is the best time to send an email. The second best time is 8PM to Midnight (before everyone goes to sleep).

Here’s a nice graphic breaking it all down.

Always remember that there are time differences between you and your prospect — keep that in mind when scheduling a Spark page.

Where people read emails:

29% of individuals aged 19–34 read emails on mobile — compare that to only 8% who read an email on mobile aged 56–67. — Adestra “Consumer Adoption & Usage Study” (2016)

55% of email is now opened on a mobile device. — Litmus “Email Analytics” (March 2016)

23% of readers who open an email on a mobile device open it again later. –Campaign Monitor

Takeaway — If you know the age of your prospect, it will help you gain their focus and attention — mobile is here, keep it short and simple!

For all these stats and SO MUCH MORE around where emails are opened, check out this link.

Email marketing :

Marketers consistently ranked email as the single-most-effective tactic for awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention. — Gigaom Research “Workhorses and dark horses: digital tactics for customer acquisition” (2014)

42% of businesses say email is one of their most effective lead generation channels. And for B2B marketers, 88% say email is the most effective lead generation tactic .— Circle Research (2012)

Takeaway — Don’t believe all the hype that emails are ineffective — they aren’t.

For all these stats and SO MUCH MORE around how emails are used in marketing, check out this link.

Time reading emails:

28% of our time (average) is spent reading and responding to emails (that’s 13 hours a week). — McKindsey Global Institute

62% of emails we receive are not important or relevant. — SaneBox

Takeaway — Keep your Spark pages relevant to the reader; don’t waste their time with meaningless information.

For all these stats and SO MUCH MORE around reading and responding to emails, check out this link.

Some more stats:

43% of email recipients click the Spam button based on the email “from” name or email address.

69% of email recipients report email as Spam based solely on the subject line. Make sure it’s on point and addresses your prospects problems.

35% of business professionals check email on a mobile device — if you have over 5 pieces of content on a Spark page, very few of your prospects will take the time to read them — keep it simple, two to three pieces of content is ideal.

That’s it for now. Hope you find this useful in your sales efforts.

Good luck selling!



Blaine Phelps
Illumineto Spark

World Marketer, lover of trance music, sales & marketing leader, Volunteer Firefighter