Tips to find your lost item

Florus van Beek
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2021

Put things in a permanent place, store things consciously instead of throwing them in a drawer thoughtlessly, or keeping your house tidy. Everyone is familiar with a number of tips on how to lose things less quickly, but sometimes the damage has already been done and you really have to look for your lost item. That is why we give you the best tips to find your lost item as quickly as possible! Stay calm.

When a headless chicken runs around in a panicky mood, nobody ever helped. Apart from the fact that stress is very unhealthy for you, you can no longer think clearly and finding your item will certainly not go any faster. So sit down for a moment, breathe in and breathe out, read these tips, and try to calm yourself down a bit — you’re going to find that item.

Review your steps
You walk to the kitchen to get something, but as soon as you have stepped into the kitchen you have already forgotten what you came to do. Recognizable? Often you walk back to the place where you thought of what to get and then it suddenly comes to your mind. You can also use the same trick to find your lost item! Think about where you last saw the item, or when you last used it. This makes your search a lot clearer. Also try to think about what kind of jacket you were wearing, or which bag you had with you at the moment of loss. Also check all pockets and pockets of the bag.

Search the logical places
You lost your bunch of keys. Does it make sense to look in the fridge? Most likely not. Save yourself a lot of time by first checking the logical places, such as the cupboard at the front door, all the compartments in your bag, or all other places where you often keep your keys. Tip 1 applies here too: stay calm. If you search very quickly, you will look more often with your proverbial nose than your eyes. How often do you panic through a drawer to find that important letter to no avail? Then a week later you open the same drawer and you suddenly find the letter there, while you really did a good search there …

Visualize the item in your mind
Researchers at the University of Chicago have discovered that humans have brain cells that help us find things. Those cells are in the center of the brain that controls our eyes. These search cells can adjust to the correct color, shape and movement. By visualizing what we are looking for, for example a yellow bicycle key, we can find it more easily through the search cells. When you look around and an item with this description flashes past, the search cells become active: Gotcha!

The big cleaning
Have you looked at all the logical places, but still not found your item? Then you really have to look everywhere. Don’t randomly mess up all the cabinets, you don’t want more chaos after all. Work in a structured way and immediately tidy up the room you are looking for. By cleaning up you are more consciously engaged in searching places. Don’t forget to look between the cushions of the sofa, in folders with papers, behind your bed, by the trash can, the item could be anywhere!

Two see more than one
Did the previous tips not help? Then it is time to call in auxiliary troops! Have friends seen your item or is it at their house? Ask someone to help you search. Who knows, the fresh look may help you find your item even faster. Also, your friend might be able to think of a place to search that you haven’t thought of yourself!

Worst case scenario: you have really lost your item. Both you and your friends really have no idea where your item could be. Does this mean that all hope is now really lost? Of course not! iLost currently has nearly 50,000 found items, so there’s a good chance that your item will be there! Check online on the website whether your item has been found.

