Javascript CheatSheet for Web Developers

Rafia Aziz
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2021

JavaScript is the world’s most misunderstood programming language. For the first decade after its inception, professionals didn’t take it seriously. No one wanted to spend time on a language that was quickly thrown together in 10 days.

Since JavaScript was ignored so much early on, developers did not take the time to learn it correctly which lead to them writing poor quality code, which then led to unexpected errors.

Fast forward 10 more years and things are different now.

This 13-page cheatsheet will take you from a beginner to advanced on the fundamentals of JavaScript. Giving you proper terminologies, and syntax of common constructs.

They are easy to understand and Free for you to download and keep.

13 Page JavaScript Cheatsheet

Note: This is NOT an exhaustive list of JavaScript documentation. For an awesome JavaScript Reference, click here.

Want to learn JavaScript? here’s an awesome video course.

Download JavaScript Cheatsheet(Full 13-page PDF) or Download individual pages:

  • Page 1: Basic Vocabulary, Seven Types, Objects PNG, PDF
  • Page 2: Functions — parameters, invocation, parameters, return and more. PNG, PDF
  • Page 3: Vocabulary around variables and scope PNG, PDF
  • Page 4: Operators and coercion PNG, PDF
  • Page 5: Conditional Statement (if/switch/ternary) + Truthy Falsy PNG, PDF
  • Page 6: Loops — For, While, Do While PNG, PDF
  • Page 7: Ways to create a variable — var, let, const + Event Loop PNG, PDF
  • Page 9: DOM — Query, Create, Update, Delete, Events of DOM PNG, PDF
  • Page 10: Auto-inherited properties + built-in objects PNG, PDF
  • Page 11: Promise and Async Tasks PNG, PDF
  • Page 12: ‘this’ keyword and 3 scenarios to remember PNG, PDF
  • Page 13: Constructors — Custom and built-in constructors PNG, PDF

Click here to Star on Github, Download JavaScript Cheatsheet (Full 13-page PDF)

👍 Want to learn JavaScript?

Try the most comprehensive and detailed JavaScript video course here on iLoveCoding.

This course will teach JavaScript correctly, and give you plenty of examples to apply your knowledge to build real-world apps.

