The First Act

June 2018 will be the first month of filming for the pilot episode of I’m An Actor. We look at how our journey began, how it may develop, and why we think it’s important to explore.

I'm An Actor
I'm An Actor
4 min readMay 16, 2018


So often with an industry attached to a life of fame, celebrity and spotlight, we overlook the significance of many working actors and their role and contribution in today’s society. I’m An Actor seeks to go beyond what we see on the stage and in the spotlight, to ask the question, Why do they act?

Following the personal stories of 5 actors, we explore questions of identity and success, trial and celebration, purpose and meaning.

Is the process of acting more important than the actual performance? Is it more thrilling to prepare a character or to present them? We dive into the dynamic of a private exploration into a character versus the public performance.

Meet the cast

For the first time, we are happy to introduce the wonderful cast of I’m An Actor. Over the next 3 months we will be interviewing and following these 5 actors as they share their stories and journeys with us, and the audience.

From left: Leah Kirby, Eleanor Griffiths, Sue Parker-Nutley, Maria Leon, Elizabeth Dickens. All Actors are ‘as themselves’ and are not depicting characters or following a script.

What makes you an actor?

Instead of sharing each of the actors bios, we wanted to share their response to the question ‘What makes you an actor?’. To see each of the actors bios (including representation) follow the links in the caption of the above image.


Leah Kirby

I want to be part of changing the conventional leading female. I also feel a responsibility to make theatre that addresses social, economic, or political issues. The industry is inherently narcissistic so working on anything collaborative or that has a strong ensemble element excites me.





Eleanor Griffiths

For me I am an actor because I am constantly curious, I want to challenge both myself and the world around me. I love delving wholly and completely into a characters life, developing my understanding further of historical, social, cultural and political situations. I want to make an impact on peoples lives, to challenge and push society and the stage gives me the platform on which to do that.





Sue Parker-Nutley

I just love being someone else — different looks, walks, accents, clothes. Putting myself into someone else’s mind and doing the best I can to interpret their character, is both challenging and rewarding.







Maria Leon

I believe that what makes me an actor is the way in which I see the world. I find beauty everywhere and I’m strongly connected to the suffering and triumphs around me and if I can be the voice of all those stories that need to be told I consider it my duty to speak up. I’m an actor because I have to. Because the arts are the very essence of what makes us human!

Because if I have put everything that I am in one word actor is a goddamn good one!





Elizabeth Dickens

For as long as I can remember I wanted to be an actor. As a child I was involved in acting and loved every minute, but somewhere in my teens I lost the confidence to put myself out there. The desire never left me, and finally in my 30’s I realised that life is short and you have to pursue what sets your heart on fire. I’m an actor because I don’t want to be anything else!



Updates will be published on the production's website For media and press inquiries email Maria and Harry at

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I'm An Actor
I'm An Actor

A new documentary exploring the lives of 5 female actors and their journey to define their own success.