Three Blogs and a Podcast — July 29, 2017

My Favorite Things this Week

2 min readJul 29, 2017


I decided to switch up the format of this “favorite things” post I do each week and focus on 3 things I enjoyed reading and a podcast episode that I loved. I listen to lot of podcasts and love to share the ones I like.

So here we go. These are this week’s selections.

If you know Ruby, you probably know about Sandi Metz. She’s done more to promote readable, reusable Ruby code than probably anyone else. In this recent blog post she does a really good job at explaining why coding style is important to a team and why it’s important that we as developers should embrace a common coding standard for our team.

This isn’t actually a blog post or a podcast but instead it’s a really well done description of how Julian Applebaum and a team at Squarespace approached converting a monolith application into microservices. I learned a lot from the incremental approach he described. The idea of incrementally moving traffic off of the old service and on to the new one was especially enlightening to me.

Even though I strongly believe that Elm is the way to go for large, stateful front-end apps, I like to keep up-to-date on how people use React and Redux. One of the common questions I hear is when it makes sense to add state management into a React project. This article does a good job explaining some of the state management technologies you can use without adding the complexity of Redux.

Greater than Code is consistently one of the best podcasts out there and this week’s episode was extra special. They do a great job of covering the human side of programming and this one was informative, fun and really full of colorful language. I think all of us should spend more time thinking about how we interact with others as much as we do fighting about the latest JavaScript framework and the folks at Greater Than Code do a great job this week at telling us why.




Polyglot programmer exploring the possibilities of functional programming.