
Meghan McGuire
I’m Not A Poet
Published in
1 min readJul 23, 2020

If I lived in a bubble,
It would protect me
From all the bad in the world

And still,
I would not feel
At ease

You see,
The bubble could be

And before I can relax,
I must inspect every inch
So that nothing bad can get in
And nothing bad can happen
if I stay vigilant.

But just to be safe,
And I don’t want to ask too much here,
Maybe we could built another bubble
Around the first bubble.

Just so I can have something to protect me
from any bad that gets through the first bubble.

And I know what you’re thinking
Won’t that create the same problem?

And honestly, we won’t know until we try it.



Meghan McGuire
I’m Not A Poet

Writer | Comedian | Former BJHS Geography Bee Champion | Twitter/Insta: @Mearghan | meghanmcg.com | she/her/hers