On Hold

Meghan McGuire
I’m Not A Poet
Published in
1 min readJul 26, 2020

I feel like I’m on hold.

The hold music is…

But it’s been the same song on repeat,
Which does begin to grate.

I can’t wander too far,
In case they pick up.

But so far,
It’s just the robot
reminding me that my call is important.

If this call is being recorded
for quality assurance purposes,
I have some notes.

I’ve been on hold for some time,
And I’m not sure when
Or if anyone will answer.

But if they do answer,
I would like them to know that
This is unacceptable
And I would like to speak to their manager

I’ll hold.

A red and pink rotary phone with a small notepad and bejeweled pen beside it.



Meghan McGuire
I’m Not A Poet

Writer | Comedian | Former BJHS Geography Bee Champion | Twitter/Insta: @Mearghan | meghanmcg.com | she/her/hers