Jason Ward
#im310 — social media
3 min readMay 6, 2015



The first infographic I chose was all about the plastics that we have in our world today. Most plastics end up in the ocean and end up polluting our world. I like it because it truly shows how we are effecting our oceans today. We are polluting the water for fish and in the process of making the plastics we are endagering our own environment as well. We spend so much money in the manufacturing of things like plastic bottles and plastic bags that we are basically poisioning ourselves. The ocean life is being contaminated by toxins which we introduce into the water. By them consuming these toxins we are in turn consuming the toxins. It is effective because it is showing us how much of this stuff is actually ending up in our waters. It is also giving us an insight into how this stuff is actually being made. It shows us that this stuff is basically made out of petrolium. This is the stuff we use for our cars, we are gassing up all the fish in the water and our own atmosphere.

The next infographic I chose was the interactive infographic of whether it is better to rent or buy. Where I am with my life right now, I am beginning to get ready in the real world and have a real job and eventually buy a house. I believe that this would be a great tool to use in order to potentioally buy or rent a house. It provides all of the factors such as length of time staying as well as mortgage, home price, taxes, and even future stuff. It looks like everything that could possibly effect your life is taken into acoount and it is actually very impressive.

The last infographic that I chose to do was the peek into Netflix queues. I love movies. I absolutely love them, and this interactive infographic lets you look at the top queued movies in each country around the world. I think it is amazing that there are such similarities throughout a lot of countries. A lot of movies are the United States based movies that we are use to. I actually found more of them than movies that were produced in their own countires. I think that it is effective because of how you can sort through cities and countries around the world. If it didn’t have that feature I dont know what I would necessarily think of it but with this it works.

